Contraceptive injections. Action of contraceptive injections

You contraceptive methods are techniques that help prevent an unwanted pregnancy, being fundamental, therefore, for the family planning. Each couple must choose the method that best suits their routine, their income and whether or not they want to have children in the future.

there are several types of contraceptive methods, ranging from periodic sexual abstinence to the use of hormones. Among hormonal methods, we can cite as an example contraceptive injections, which act similarly to birth control pills.
Mechanism of action of contraceptive injections

Contraceptive injections consist of hormones similar to those produced by women. Monthly injections consist of estradiol, a natural estrogen and a synthetic progestin, and quarterly injections contain only progestin. The hormones present in injections prevent ovulation, but also promote cervical mucus alteration, which thickens, thus preventing the passage of sperm.
Types of Contraceptive Injections

Contraceptive injections can be of two types: monthly and quarterly. At

monthly, as the name implies, must be applied every month, and the quarterly should be applied every three months.

A woman who uses monthly injections can regain fertility once she stops the injection. Women who use the quarterly injection recover their ability to have children about four months after the last injection.

It is noteworthy that the quarterly injection can be used by women who are breastfeeding. In that case, use is recommended after six weeks of delivery. In the case of monthly injection, the recommendation is that it should only be used after six months of childbirth or when the woman stops breastfeeding.
Side Effects of Contraceptive Injections

As with any medication, women who use birth control injections are subject to side effects. The most reported problems are:

- Nausea and vomiting;

- Headaches;

- Pain in the breasts;

- Bleeding between menses;

- Lack of menstruation (amenorrhea);

- Prolonged bleeding;

- Weight gain;

- Dizziness;

- Mood variations.

All the mentioned problems disappear after, on average, three months of use. In some women, however, the problems persist and it is necessary to seek medical help.
Advantages of Contraceptive Injections

This contraceptive method is among the most effective available on the market. During the first year of use, pregnancy rates are around 0.1% to 0.3%. In addition to being highly effective, it does not pose risks of daily forgetfulness, as occurs with pill.

It is worth noting that the contraceptive injection does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School -

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