Traveling in treno!

Traveling in treno, from an ad altra part in Europe is an anti-Italian tradition. Da per tutta Italia is a large railroad rete che ti puoi portare alle diverse regioni italiane and ed anche agli altri paesi. Oggigiorno, it is possible to buy the biglietti sull’internet, programm the viaggio, see the service and the sleep offerti ecc.. / Traveling by train, from one part of Europe to another, is an ancient tradition and the Italians follow it. All over Italy there is a large railway network that can take you to different Italian regions and also to other countries. Nowadays it is possible to buy tickets (tickets) over the internet, schedule your trip, see the various services offered, etc.

Curiosità: / Curiosity: A chi non sa, le prime strade ferrate che sono state costrotte all'Italia risalgono al XIX selo. Loro was used per collegare strade, canali and porti – si chiamavano collegamenti preferroviari. Al Nord Italia was a common issue type di strada che al Sud. La Regione della Lombardia has always offered the Maggior Rete Ferroviaria dell'Italia. Al Sud, the cousin of Napoli – Portici is inaugurated in 1839.

/ For those who don't know, the first railways that were built in Italy date back to the 19th century. They were used to link roads, canals and ports – and were called integration railways. In Northern Italy this type of road was more common than in the South. The Lombardy region has always offered the largest railway network in Italy. In the south, the first route, Naples-Portici, was opened in 1839.

Vedi alcune parole: / Here are some words:

andanta = one way return = return or return biglietto = ticket or ticket binary = line cousin class = first class second class = second class / coincidence = connection / partenza = departure / arrivo = arrival / station = station

With us alcuni tipi di treni: / Discover some types of trains:

 Periodic training/ Periodic train = one that travels at certain times.

 ordinary sled / Ordinary train = one that is provided for by the current time.

 Straordinary sled / Extra train = the one provided on special days and occasions.

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 Local or regional train / Local or regional train.

 Espresso Train or Il rapido / Express train = one that does not make stops during its journey.

 train merci / Train for goods.

It holds a piccolo dialogue between Giulia and il bigliettaio. / Observe a small dialogue between Giulia and the ticket agent.

Giulia: Buongiorno. Vorrei un biglietto di seconda class per Rome.

Bigliettaio: Di andata and ritorno?

Giulia: No, solo andata, grazie.

Bigliettaio: Part oggi?

Giulia: Yes, col rapido delle quindici. It's possible fare il biglietto fast south?

Bigliettaio: Yes, ma è più dear.

Giulia: Right…

Bigliettaio: Ha già il fast supplement?

Giulia: No, non ce l’ho.

Bigliettaio: Signorina, il prezzo del biglietto è € 22.08.

Giulia: Ecco thurs. Grazie.

Bigliettaio: Di niente.

Ossevassione: / Note:

1) Quick supplement: is an additional fare added to the normal ticket price for traveling in a higher category on the train.

2) Fare il biglietto: buy the ticket on the train.

Vedi altre parole all’universo dei treni: / See other words in the universe of trains:

ventiquattrore = small suitcase for short trips carrozza cuccetta = bunk car carrozza letti = sleeper car ufficcio oggetti smariti = lost object room attes room = waiting room carrozza ristorante = restaurant car sled with invalid service = train with service for the disabled ristoro service = bar service I deposit bagagli = luggage storage

Una Puntata: if you want to visit a po’ di più la culture dei treni in Italy, it is possible to visit the website: Lì, vedrai diverse maniere di viggiare in treno, di acquistare i tuoi biglietti, programmare i tuoi viaggi non releaseto all’interno Italia ma anche allestero. Good Viaggio! /A tip: if you want to learn more about the culture of trains in Italy, you can visit the website In it you will see different ways to travel by train, to buy your tickets, to plan your trips not only in Italy, but also abroad. Bon Voyage!

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Viaggiare in treno!"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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