Passive voice: what it is, types, examples

A passive voice it is one of the three verbal voices. It is the verbal voice that indicates that the subject suffers or receives the action of verb, not being the one who performs the action of the verb. In addition to the passive voice, there are two other verbal voices, the active voice and the reflexive voice.

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Topics of this article

  • 1 - Summary about passive voice
  • 2 - What is the passive voice?
  • 3 - Types of passive voice
    • → Analytical passive voice
    • → Synthetic passive voice
  • 4 - What are the differences between passive voice, active voice and reflexive voice?
  • 5 - Solved exercises on passive voice

Summary about passive voice

  • The passive voice indicates that the subject is acted upon by the verb.
  • The subject is called the patient subject, as it receives this action expressed by the verb.
  • The passive voice can be classified as analytic or synthetic.
  • The analytical passive voice has an auxiliary verb and a main verb.
  • The synthetic passive voice (or pronominal voice) has a main verb and the passive particle of the subject.
  • Unlike the passive voice, in the active voice the subject performs the action. In the reflexive voice, the subject performs and suffers at the same time the action expressed by the verb.

What is the passive voice?

The passive voice is the verbal voice that indicates that the action of the verb is suffered by the subject. This means that the subject does not practice the action of the verb, but suffers or receives this action, with a change in the point of view of the verb. statement. Look:

Subject + Verb

  • Active voice:The populationelected the candidate.”
  • Passive voice:the candidatewas elected by the population.”

In the first statement, the subject “the population” performs the action of electing. It is a verb in the active voice. In this case, the subject is called the agent subject, that is, the one who acts.

In the second statement, however, the subject “the candidate” undergoes the action of being elected. It is a verb in the passive voice. In this case, the subject is called the patient subject, that is, the one who receives the action.

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passive voice types

Depending on its structure, the passive voice can occur in two different ways: in the analytical passive voice or in the synthetic passive voice.

→ Analytical passive voice

The structure of the analytical passive voice usually has two verbs: an auxiliary verb and a main verb. The auxiliary verb can be conjugated in different tenses and verbal modes, while the main verb is usually conjugated in the participle. Look:

Subject + Auxiliary verb + Main verb

the candidatehe was elected.

Housesthey are sold daily.

Uswe will be called shortly.

Furthermore, often an additional element may appear next to the verb in the passive voice: thepassive agent. This element indicates the person responsible for performing the action of the verb, even if this action is in the passive voice. Watch:

Subject + Auxiliary verb + Main verb + passive agent

the candidatehe was electedby the population.

Housesthey are soldby our real estate agents.

Uswe will be calledby the management.

→ Synthetic passive voice

The structure of the synthetic passive voice tends to be a little different. This type of passive voice is used to make an utterance more impersonal and indeterminate. Therefore, it tends to present shorter statements, that is, synthetic ones.

For this, the main verb is maintained by adding to it a passive particle, represented by the pronoun “se” (for this reason, the synthetic passive voice is also called the pronominal voice).

The subject can appear after the verb, but be careful: if the subject is in the plural, the verb in the passive voice must still agree in number (singular or plural). Watch:

Main verb + passivation particle + Subject

electedupthe candidate.

selluphouses daily.

seekupsolutions for our company.

See too: Pronominal verbs — verbs that appear with unstressed pronouns

What are the differences between passive voice, active voice and reflexive voice?

Verbal voices differ by the subject's point of view in relation to the verb.

  • Active voice: the subject performs the action, being an agent subject. Ex: We we will complete the project.
  • Passive voice: the subject suffers the action, being a patient subject. Eg: The project will be completed.
  • Reflective voice: the subject performs in himself the action of the verb, that is, he performs and suffers at the same time the very action of the verb. Thus, he is an agent and patient subject. Ex: She combed quickly.

Solved exercises on passive voice

question 1


Text on Athenian citizenship and its relationship with democracy.

The structure in passive voice “considered” (l.1) could be replaced by another form of passive, “was considered”, without compromising the coherence of the text.

( ) Right

( ) Wrong



The structure in the analytical passive voice would be agreeing with the subject “any Athenian [...]”. Thus, the text would remain coherent: “any Athenian was considered a citizen [...]”.

question 2

(FCC — adapted)

Text for the question:

Text on basic sanitation in Brazil.

The passage in which the use of the verb form in the passive voice is verified is:

A) ...the indigenous communities were already concerned with sanitation. (1st paragraph)

B) ...the water supply was collected from spouts and fountains. (2nd paragraph)

C) ...the indigenous people stored water in clay and clay pots... (1st paragraph)

D) ..the history of basic sanitation is intertwined with the formation of cities. (2nd paragraph)

E) With the waste, there was also a special care... (1st paragraph)


Alternative B

The subject “the water supply” is in the passive voice with the use of the expression “it was done”, suffering the action of this verb.

By Guilherme Viana
Grammar Teacher

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VIANA, William. "Passive voice"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 22, 2023.

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Learn more about the verb and understand the rules for its conjugation. Find out what tenses, moods and verbal voices are. Also solve the proposed exercises.

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