Music for Father's Day

Much more than being the one who generates life, who saw you grow and helped you take your first steps, a father is a safe haven. He is the one who cares, protects, educates and, above all, loves without measure.

Always loving, strong and patient, the father figure is a source of inspiration and reference throughout his children's lives.

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August commemorative dates

20 Father's Day Cards to Print and Gift to Your Hero

O Father's Day is coming, and with it, the time to show your love and gratitude. If you don't know how to express your feelings in words, how about using a song?

We separate some remarkable songs to pay a special tribute on this day.

The following options will please dads of all styles, from rock to sertanejo. Build your playlist and let these songs speak for you!

Happy Father's Day!

Father — Fábio Junior

Dad, maybe some time from now
There's time for us to be more
Much more than two great friends
father and son maybe

Father, maybe then you feel
Anything between those twenty or thirty
Long years in search of peace

Dad, believe me I'm fine, I'm going
‘I’m trying to live and ask
With madness for you to be reborn

Dad, I don't care to be everything
I just don't and I won't be mute
To talk about love to you

Dad, sit here, dinner is on the table
Speak a little your voice 'it's so stuck
Teach us this game of life
Where life only pays to see

Father, forgive me this insecurity
Is that I'm not that child anymore
That one day scared to death
In your arms you made a secret
In your steps you were more me

Dad, I grew up and there was no other way
I just want to lay on your chest
To ask you to go home
And play grandpa with my son
On the living room rug

Dad, you were my hero, my villain
Today is much more than a friend
Neither you nor anyone else is alone
You are part of this path
That today I remain in peace

Composed and performed by Fábio Júnior (1979).

Lucas Lucco — 11 lives

Lucas Lucco

I look so much like you
Looking I can see, your face reminds me
since the first birthday
The first step, always ready to defend myself

Whenever you fought with me
So that I don't run the risk
A hero ready to save me
And with you I learned all lessons
I faced my dragons
And only then did he let me fly

But I just want to remember
That out of 10 lives, 11 I would give you
What was seeing you
that I learned to fight

But I just want to remember
Before my time runs out, so you don't forget
That if God gave me a chance to live again
I only wish if I had you

Father, I know, time is relentless
Keep our bodies apart, but bring our hearts closer
Your name is always remembered
With a verse and I speak of you always in prayer

Dad, it was really boring growing up
I started to not have you telling me bedtime stories
Even the world wants to bring me down
By my side you are always
To pick me up when I fall

But I just want to remember
That out of 10 lives, 11 I would give you
What was seeing you
that I learned to fight
But I just want to remember
Before my time runs out, so you don't forget
That if God gave me a chance to live again

But I just want to remember
Before my time runs out, so you don't forget
That if God gave me a chance to live again
I only wish if I had you
Composed and performed by Lucas Lucco (2014).

Gabriel, The Thinker — Very proud, my father

Gabriel the thinker

Is there a pen there please?

Ten hours inside the plane here alone
I fly like a bird that wants to return to the nest
I always come and go like a boomerang
I thought it was the bat, but I'm the one who always gives my blood
And it's vampire time that sucks it all up
Sucks my soul and transforms me form and content
And without a shield I offer the vein and I go smiling
I don't stay silent, I speak and sing what I'm feeling

And I talk so much between my flights and crashes
That I don't even hear the voice of the white strands between my hair
The voice of wrinkles when the face contracts
I look in the mirror and I see more and more of my father
I remember calling, seeing how he's doing
I have to run, dad, 'I'm taking off with the band
“‘Do you come back as a son?
Tuesday, but I travel again

Send a hug to sis, 'I miss the people
‘I miss everything, eating soup with eggs
The raw egg you used to throw in the hot pot
On those weekends that you were there
And lying in your bed like the old days
And when you saw the goals or any program
And suddenly he pinched us with his foot
The crab hurt, but we laughed
I imitated you and my brother couldn't
You put on the clog, you took the Puma key
And our afternoon was at Dolfine's table with the gang
And draft beer without foam, without a collar
And I in the milk shake, I even remember the little noise

When I grew up I wanted to be like you
Now I'm grown up and I still want to be
I have the face of the father and I have more and more
I have father's eyes and heart
When I grew up I wanted to be like you
Now I'm grown up and I still want to be
I am proud of my father and I am more and more
It's a lot of pride, my father and gratitude

Dad, now I took off, put my phone away
I'm already on the air, but I didn't disconnect
Time flies and before it runs out I go back to the beginning
To understand myself and recognize myself from the father I know
And I want to know more, I want to enjoy my crown
They even gave you extreme unction, dad, that one was good
You interned in front of a cemetery
But he didn't miss the joke even in such a serious moment
And said looking at the graves on the other side of the wall
“What a great room, son, with a view of the future”
Just yourself to make us laugh
And with my heart stopping in full ICU
Remembering that now I laugh and reevaluate
The importance of my eternal hunger for more challenges
Always running, always busy on the road
Not realizing that sometimes you might be missing the joke
You touched me, I didn't say to listen
But I won't wait for my heart to stop
For us to meet to laugh, in an ICU
When I get back I'll call you to arrange lunch
The whole family at the table, not answering the cell phone

When I grew up I wanted to be like you
Now I'm grown up and I still want to be
I have the face of the father and I have more and more
I have father's eyes and heart
When I grew up I wanted to be like you
Now I'm grown up and I still want to be
I am proud of my father and I am more and more
It's a lot of pride, my father and gratitude

My memory travels, you are now the pilot
About 30 years younger and I'm still a kid
On the BR 101 we go
New Year's Eve has already arrived and how good it is to travel with my father
And I'm paying attention,
How do you know the right time to overtake the truck
You explain to me the bumper phrases
Doesn't play a good MPB or rock tape
Calm down, Betty, calm down

Every laugh you let out planted in my soul
A seed for what I'm harvesting now
And I'll keep reaping after you're gone
Understanding myself with time, the teachings
That you spend until today with your example
To respect people and be correct
To be an inexhaustible source of care and affection
To shorten distances to see friends
And to always be honest like you were with me
When he gave me a punishment after the police station
And today I see that this is exactly what I wanted
I wanted to find a way and have you closer
Even with a closed face, your heart was open
I had almost died
I wasn't afraid of death
But your disappointed face spoke louder

This is how my graffiti addiction died
You killed the pixote, father
And gave birth to the thinker
And a lot happened, I turned you into grandpa
I saw you more fragile and serious in some moments of pain
And I saw in your silence what I undo in myself
Which is an anguish that seems to have no end
And yet we play all the time
And dreams the same dreams hugging several pillows
I inherited this mania, I also inherited stubbornness
And I don't open up to my old man as I would like
When I feel insecure like an indecisive boy
To hear the father's voice that said "judgment"

That simple warning still guides me
Like your blood that runs through my veins
Thank you so much for making me born
for making me grow
For making me like you
For giving me vitamin C
Breakfast, the critical sense, the irony
A brother and a sister
For taking me on Ryan
Have quail egg
That for pissing on my foot in the warm water baths
Chocolate in Gramado, shrimp in Joaquina
Thank you so much for the roasted peanuts on the corner
The stickers and the album
Injections and medicine
The accolades, the grades on the school report card

For taking me to Grandma Miriam and Grandma Raquel
Because I am Gabriel, son of Doctor Miguel
For taking me to the office to see you work
For being the great ophthalmologist who made me see
That life is good and I don't need to be afraid
Thank you so much my father for telling me your secrets
And trust me like I trust you
When I get back I'll call you, there's still more to say

When I grew up I wanted to be like you
Now I'm grown up and I still want to be
I have the face of the father and I have more and more
I have father's eyes and heart
When I grew up I wanted to be like you
Now I'm grown up and I still want to be
I am proud of my father and I am more and more
It's a lot of pride, my father and gratitude

hi son
Dad, look what I did to you
For me? thank you boy
Composition: Gabriel Contino / Tiago Da Cal Alves; Performer: Gabriel, The Thinker (2019).

More than father and son — Rick and Renner

Rick and Renner

Dad, I'm here to say it was worth it
Look how much your son has grown
Dad, look at your dream here
Son, sometimes I don't even know if I deserve it
Even so, every day thank you
The magic of seeing you smile

Dad, I'm ceasing to be a boy
But I don't want my destiny
Come to distance us
Son, no matter where fate goes
Know that my father's love
will always accompany you

How good that God made us both
More than father and son
Allowed us to share the glow
From the sun that for many will never rise

How good that God gave to this movie
a beautiful ending
Turning a dream into real life
Life we ​​just have to live

Father, your voice today is my voice (One voice)
There's a bond of peace between us
That nothing can break
Son, in this blue world that is so yours
Today there is a father who understood
The love when it saw you being born

Dad, you are my best friend
(Much more than friend)
when you talk to me
I feel safe and better
Son, you can bet on life with faith
That, by God, every man already is
A light shining by itself

How good that God made us both
More than father and son
Allowed us to share the glow
From the sun that for many will never rise

How good that God gave to this movie
a beautiful ending
Turning a dream into real life
Life that we just have to live

How good that God made us both
More than father and son
Allowed us to share the glow
From the sun that for many will never rise

How good that God gave to this movie
a beautiful ending
Turning a dream into real life
Life that we just have to live

Dad son
Composition: Victor Henrique / Rick Sollo / Rick & Renner; Performer: Rick & Renner (2008).

My darling, my old man, my friend — Roberto Carlos

Roberto Carlos

Those beautiful white hairs of yours
That tired, deep look
Telling me things in a scream
teaching me so much of the world
And those slow steps now
always walking with me
I've run so much in life
My darling, my old man, my friend

Your life full of stories
And those wrinkles marked by time
Memories of old victories
Or tears cried in the wind
Your soft voice soothes me
And it tells me a lot more than I say
Shutting me down deep in the soul
My darling, my old man, my friend

Your past lives present
In the experiences contained
In this conscious heart
Of the beauty of the things in life
Your frank smile cheers me up
Your right advice teaches me
I kiss your hands and tell you
My darling, my old man, my friend

I already told you everything
But all this is little
In front of what I feel
Looking at your beautiful hair
I kiss your hands and say
My darling, my old man, my friend
Looking at your beautiful hair
I kiss your hands and say
My darling, my old man, my friend

Looking at your beautiful hair
I kiss your hands and say
My darling, my old man, my friend

Looking at your beautiful hair
I kiss your hands and say my dear
Composition: Erasmo Carlos / Roberto Carlos; Performer: Roberto Carlos (1979).

Beautiful boy (Darling boy) — John Lennon

John Lennon

Close your eyes
Do not be afraid
The monster is gone
Run away and daddy is here
Pretty pretty pretty
Beautiful boy
Pretty pretty pretty
Beautiful boy

Before bedtime
pray a little
Every day, everything goes just fine
better and better

Pretty pretty pretty
Beautiful boy
Pretty pretty pretty
Beautiful boy

across the ocean sailing
Can not wait
to see you grow
But I think we need to be patient
Because we still have a long way to go.
a lot to row
The path is long
But for now

to cross the street
Hold my hand
Life is what happens
While you're busy making other plans

Pretty pretty pretty
Beautiful boy
Pretty pretty pretty
Beautiful boy

Before bedtime
pray a little
All is well
better and better

Pretty pretty pretty
Beautiful boy
dear, dear, dear
Dear Sean
Lyrics translated / Song composed and performed by John Lennon (1980).

Father to son — Queen


A word in your ear
from father to son
Hear the word I say
I fought with you
I fought by your side
Long before you were born
Joyful is the sound
the word passes
From father to son, to son

And the voice is so clear
Time after time she stays
Calling you, calling you continuously
Don't destroy what you see
What is your country
Just keep building on the land
that was won
Kings will be crowned
And the word goes
Father to son, father to son

Won't you hear us sing
Our family song?
Now we pass it on
But you've heard it all before
Take this letter that I give you
Pick it up little boy, lift it up high
You won't understand a word in it.
But you'll write it all over again before you die

A word in your ear
From father to son
Funny how you don't listen
A single word I say
But my letter to you
will remain by your side
for the years
Until the loneliness is gone

sing if you want
But the air you breathe
I live to give you
Father to son, to son
Father to son, to son
Joyful is the sound
the word passes
From father to son, to son
Kings will be crowned
the earth is turning
From father to son, to son

Joyful is the song
the word passes
From father to son, to son
Kings will be blushed
the earth is turning
From father to son, to son
Translated Lyrics / Composition: Brian May; Performer: Queen (1974).

Father and Son — Cat Stevens

Cat Stevens

It's not time to change
Just relax, take it easy
You're still young, that's your mistake
There's a lot you have to know
Find a girl, settle down
If you want, you can get married
Look at me
I'm old but I'm happy

I was once like you are now
And I know it's not easy
Be calm when you realize
something going on
But take it easy, think hard
Why, think of all you've achieved
Cause you'll be here tomorrow
But your dreams may not be

How could I try to explain?
Because when I try, he turns away again
It's always the same thing
same old story
Since the moment I could speak
I was forced to listen
Now there's a way, and I know
that I have to go
I know I have to go

It's not time to change
Just sit down, take it slow
You're still young, that's your mistake
There's still a lot you have to face
Find a girl, settle down
If you want, you can get married.
Look at me
I'm old but I'm happy

Every time I cried
Keeping all the things I knew inside
And it's hard, but it's harder to ignore them
If they were right I would agree
But they know themselves, not me
Now there's a way, and I know
that I have to go
I know I have to go
Lyrics translated / Song written and performed by Cat Stevens (1970).

Father and Daughter — Paul Simon

Paul Simon

If you wake up in the mirror from a bad dream
And for a split second you don't remember where you are
Open your window and follow your memory along
Top of the mountain where we count all the shooting stars

I believe a light shines on you, and it will shine forever
And although I can't convince you that there's nothing scary hiding under your bed
I'll stand guard like a postcard Golden Retriever
And I'll never leave you until you've got a good dream in your head

I will see you shine
I will watch you grow
I will take a test (sign)
So you will always know
Just like one plus one is two
That there will never be a father
Who loved your daughter more than I love you

Believe in your intuition
Just like fishing
You cast your line and hope there's a hook
But you don't have to waste your time
worrying about the market
Try to help the human race
Struggling to survive another cruel night

I will see you shine
I will watch you grow
I will take a test (sign)
So you will always know
Just like one plus one is two
That there will never be a father
Who loved your daughter more than I love you
Lyrics translated / Song composed and performed by Paul Simon (2002).

Song for dad — Keith Urban

Keith Urban

Lately I've noticed
That I say the same things he said

And I even see myself acting the same way

I tap my fingers on the table

At the rhythm of my soul

And I jingle the car keys

When I'm ready to go

When I look in the mirror

He's right there in my eyes

Looking back at me, and I realize

The older I get

But I can see

How much he loved mommy and my brother and me

And he did the best he could

And I hope, when I have a family of my own

that every day I see

A little more of my father in me

There were times I thought he was being

a little hard on me

But now I understand, what he was doing to me

Become the man he knew I could be

In everything he ever did

Made always made with love

And today I'm proud to say that I'm your son

When someone says they look forward to meeting my dad

I just smile and say I've met

The older I get

But I can see

How much he loved mommy and my brother and me

And he did the best he could

And I hope, when I have a family of my own

that every day I see

A little more of my father in me

he is in my eyes

My heart, my soul

My hands, my pride

And when I'm alone

And when I think I can't go on

I hear him say, “Son, you'll be fine;

Everything will be alright"

Yes, it will

The older I get

But I can see

How much he loved mommy and my brother and me

And he did the best he could
And I hope, when I have a family of my own
that every day I see
A little more of my father in me
Lyrics translated / Song composed and performed by Keith Urban (2002).

Just the two of us — Will Smith

Will Smith

(Now dad this is a very sensitive subject)
For the first time the doctor put you in my arms
I knew I would die before harm came to you
However questions arise in my mind, will I be man enough?
Against the wrong choose the right and continue standing?
In the hospital on the first night
It took an hour just to get the seat in the car right
People drove fast, it pissed me off.
Brought you home safe, put you in your crib.
That night I don't think I slept for a second
As I slipped from my bed to her crib
I crawled over, touched her head gently, felt my heart melt.
Because I know I love you more than my own life.
So on my knees I beg God please.
Let me be a good father, whatever he needs.
Love, knowledge, discipline too.
I dedicate my life to you.

Just the two of us, we can make it if we try.
Just the two of us, (Just the two of us)
Just the two of us, building castles in the sky.
Just the two of us, you and me.

Five years, bringing joy.
Every time I look at you I think, a little me.
Just like me
Wait and see it's going to be high
It makes me laugh because you even have your father's ears.
Sometimes I think of what you'll be,
A general, a doctor, maybe an MC.
Haha, I want to kiss you all the time.
But I'm going to test that butt when you cross the line, really.
Uh-uh-uh why do you do that?
I try to be a tough parent, but you keep making me laugh.
Crazy happiness, when I see my little boy's eyes.
I dedicate myself to you, as I always will.
everything i can
Show you how to be a man
Dignity, integrity, honor.
And I don't care if you lose as long as you learn
And you can cry, it's not shame.
It didn't work out between me and your mother
But even if it didn't work out.
You were conceived in love.
So if the world attacks you, and you lose your way.
Remember one thing, I will always be by your side.

It's a full-time job to be a good parent.
You have so much more stuff than I had
I have to study to keep up with the changing times
101 Dalmatians on your CD-ROM
See – I am
trying to pretend i know
On my PC where that CD goes
But, there's nothing promised, one day I'll be gone.
Feel the pain but believe life goes on
but at the moment
It is my duty
to communicate
One day a girl will break your heart
And there's no pain like the opposite sex
It's going to hurt a lot, but don't take it out on someone else, son.
Throughout life people will make you angry
Disrespect you and treat you badly.
Let God handle the things they do.
Because hate in her heart will consume you too.
Always tell the truth, say your prayers.
Hold doors, pull out chairs, go easy on promises.
You are living proof that dreams come true.
I love you and I'm here for you.

(This is a good song, how much will I get paid for this daddy?)
Lyrics translated / Composition: Bill Withers / Ralph MacDonald / Will Smith / William Salter; Performer: Will Smith (1997).

My father's eyes - Eric Clapton

Eric Clapton

Sailing low behind the sun
waiting for my prince to come
Praying for healing rain
To restore my soul again

Just a beggar on the run
How did I get here?
What did I do?
When will all my hopes rise?
How will I recognize it?
When I look into my father's eyes
my father's eyes

Then the light starts to shine
And I listen to those old songs.
And as I watch this seed grow,
I feel my heart begin to overflow.

Where do I find the words to speak?
How do I teach you?
What do we play?
Gradually I discovered
That's when I need them,
That's when I need my father's eyes
my father's eyes

Then the jagged edge appears
Through the distant clouds of tears.
I am like a bridge being pulled away;
My foundations were made of clay.

My soul slides down to die.
How could I miss it?
What did I intend?
Gradually I discovered
that he was here with me
I looked into my father's eyes
my father's eyes
Lyrics translated / Song composed and performed by Eric Clapton (1998).

Read too:

  • Phrases for Father's Day
  • Souvenirs for Father's Day
  • Tributes for Father's Day
  • 40 Printable Father's Day Activities
  • The best poems for Father's Day
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