PT may be able to nominate 15 names for ministers in 2023

The return of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to the country's main office could result in the highest number of nominations to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), by the Workers' Party (PT), under the terms of the democratic regime for the year 2023.

Lula, who was democratically elected in the last elections, will be able to nominate two new people to occupy the positions in the Cut by Ricardo Lewandowski, who already has his retirement set for the month of May, and Rosa Weber, who will leave in the month of October. With these departures, the PT will have a total of 15 nominations to the STF.

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Eventsimilaroccurredjust during the republicOld, when the republican party minerhe wasconsideredthe acronym with The majorityof the names proposedforthe court. But, in between1964 and 1985, the dictatorshipmilitaryovercamethatnumber, when the five generals who were presidentsnamed 32 ministersforO STF.

Highest number of nominations to the Supreme Court

In your first two mandates, in 2003 The 2010, Lulaappointed eight ministersforO STF. in the governmentin Dilma Rousseff, morefivedeputies, alsopetistas,They passed The to occupyto thechairs. Like this, in the situationcurrent of 11 ministers, just4were not indicated per leaders of the PT.

OBrokenRepublican miner, whatactedduringthe republic Old, indicateduntil15ministersto thestf, beinglike this the highest number of nominations peronebrokenin Brazil. The eventoccurred during the period from the policycoffee with milk, where the Minas Gerais governmentmanagedalternatelytogether of Broken Paulista Republican, what in turn designated 11 judges for to occupythe court.

Between 1950 and 1960, Getulio Vargas and John Goulart, from the PTB, namedjust four judges.Nonetheless, during the government's revolutionaries, constitutional It is dictatorial of the Estado Novo, Getúlio, without to dopartin none broken, it arrived The name 19 ministers.

appointmentsforO stf by presidents

At thehowever, it is importantremember that the large number of nominationsforOSupreme no represents The loyaltytotal of ministers to the broken that the designated. During your 13 years in chargeof the institutionspublicfederal, the PT sufferedtwodefeatsinflictedpermagistratesnominated per Lula and Dilma.

Belowit is one list in nominations of every president, oneturn what the callNewRepublicit started:

  • Jair Messiah Bolsonaro (PL): 2
  • Michael To fear (MDB): 1
  • Dilma Rousseff (PT): 5
  • Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT): 8
  • Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB): 3
  • Itamar Augusto Cautiero Franco (MDB): 1
  • Fernando Affonso color of Mello (PRN): 4
  • Jose Sarney (MDB): 5

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