Extra income! Learn how to earn up to R$ 768 from Enem on weekends

receive a great remunerationand having the flexibility of working only on weekends is the desire of many Brazilians looking for job opportunities today.

Even for those who are already employed, having an extra source of income is always a very welcome idea, as long as it doesn't interfere with your regular work schedules.

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Applications are open for anyone who wants to work on the application of…

Registration for Enem 2023 certifiers is open; know...

In addition to being one of the main gateways to higher education in Brazil, the National High School Examination (Enem) can also be a excellent source of extra income for those seeking opportunities disclosed by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research (Inep).

Now, imagine being able to earn up to R$768 working exclusively on weekends during Enem 2023. It may seem like a dream scenario, but believe me, it's a real possibility.

Learn how to earn money on the weekend working on Enem

Inep has opened registration for vacancies for certifiers in the 2023 Enem. This is a great opportunity for those who wish to work temporarily during the application of the test, which takes place on November 5th and 12th of that year.

Certifiers perform a number of essential activities. His role includes receiving and opening the pouches containing the evidences, as well as distribute them among the participating students. The expected working hours for the position are from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm on both application days.

To apply as a certifier in Enem 2023, it is necessary to meet some specific requirements established by Inep. Regarding performance preferences, participants must choose up to three cities or sub-regions in which they wish to work or where they are available to perform their functions.

(Image: Disclosure)

Furthermore, it is important to point out that only civil servants of the Federal Executive Branch and public school teachers can apply as certifiers. It is necessary that these professionals be working in the year of application of the test to be eligible for the vacancy.

Public servants of the Federal Executive Branch receive the amount of R$ 32 per hour worked. Public school teachers receive a total of R$384 per day of work.

Those selected to work on the two days of applying the Enem can receive a total of up to R$ 768, considering the respective remuneration.

Interested? Check out more information and sign up at Inep website.

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