CEJA Network Certification State Exam is open for registration

If your wish was to start the year 2023 by completing your studies, know that it is about to come true! Those who have not completed elementary and high school can apply for the State Network Certification Exam CEJA (Youth and Adult Education Center).

João Carrilho, president of the Cecierj Foundation, informs that the CEJA program offers the opportunity for those who were unable to complete their studies in the ideal time, guaranteeing certification. Despite existing for 20 years, this will be the second edition of the program, with the return approved by Ordinance No. 569 of May 26, 2022.

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For this year, especially at the time of return, there will be up to 29,000 vacancies in schools in Rio de Janeiro. Popularly known as Provão do CEJA, the test that will be held in May requires that the candidate has an active enrollment in the indicated schools.

“There is time to deepen your studies and, in May, take the test and leave with your diploma in hand. And those who are not yet enrolled cannot waste time and should look for the school to carry out the enroll and have the chance to participate in the CEJA Provão”, pointed out Carrilho about the return of the program for this year.

Registration for the CEJA Provão: find out how to apply

With free registration, the test accepts applications until April 14th. The candidate must go to the secretariat of one of the 59 schools participating in the CEJA, and may enroll in one of the indicated levels – fundamental or medium. The application will take place in a fully face-to-face manner.

The tests will be divided into the areas required by the MEC (Ministry of Education), according to the evaluation standards indicated by the Inep (National Institute of Studies and Anísio Teixeira Educational Research): Languages ​​and their Technologies, Applied Human and Social Sciences, Natural Science and their technologies, and Mathematics and their Technologies.

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