IFood opens 400 jobs throughout Brazil

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O iFood, the largest foodtech in Latin America, announced the opening of selection processes all over the country. The objective is to select 400 professionals in different areas of activity.

Some of the areas covered by the vacancies are design, sales, marketing and communication, logistics, operations, products, Human Resources, legal and compliance, service, in addition to technology, which has the greatest demand.

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Professionals may apply for the positions of senior tax attorney, senior buyer, post sales specialist, account executive, back end developers, android and iOS, communication analyst, business analyst, full compliance analyst, product designer, logistics analyst and operations analyst, among others others.

The company does not require a specific degree for vacancies, with the exception of specific areas, such as legal and accounting. As a curiosity, currently there is a biochemist as director of strategy and M&A a geographer working in the technology area.

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The opportunities are concentrated in the company's new headquarters, in Osasco, in the technology office, in Campinas, in the new Movile Group space, focused on technology, located in São Carlos and the office focused on inside sales, in Jundiaí. However, there are openings for external sales all over Brazil.

To apply for one of the positions, interested parties must register their CV on the website. jobs.kenoby.com/ifood.

Applicants will be submitted to the following evaluation stages, depending on the position desired:

  • Interview;
  • Technical tests.

In addition to Brazil, iFood currently has operations in Mexico and Colombia.


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