IBM launches a technical course in the IT area in Brazil

A IBM entered into a partnership with the Paula Souza Center to develop the course program called “Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools” (P-TECH).

The course consists of training professionals during high school, technical and higher education, to meet future market demands in the area of ​​information technology (IT).

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This new educational model was co-developed by IBM, working closely with educators, policy makers and authorities around the world and will be made available in the city of São Paul.

P-TECH aims to be widely replicable and sustainable as part of an effort to reform professional and technical education in many countries.

Industry partners help ensure students graduate into an IT career by providing mentoring, site visits and paid internships. Schools map skills that employers value onto the curriculum, preparing P-TECH graduates to enter the workforce upon graduation.

According to information from G1, initially 80 high school students will be selected for the program, which will last 5 years and will offer mid-level and technical diplomas in the area of ​​analysis and development of systems.

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