UNIFESP opens enrollment for 5,000 places in a free distance learning course

Health professionals who want to expand their knowledge, here is an excellent opportunity! A Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP) registration opens for 5,000 places in the course “Local Management of Natural Disasters for Primary Care”. The modules will be taught at a distance, completely free of charge.

Classes will be taught by the platform UNA-SUS with a total workload of 60 hours. The course must be completed by February 1, 2019. Despite being aimed at health professionals, the modules can be taken by anyone interested in the subject. The only requirement for registration is internet access.

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The Local Management of Natural Disasters Course for Primary Care was designed with the aim of contribute to the qualification of health professionals, especially those who work in Primary Care (AB).

The National Primary Care Policy (PNAB) has essential features in risk and disaster management, such as responsibility for acting in territories and enrolled populations, knowing the health problems and needs where the disasters occur. The topics covered by the course are:

  • Primary Care / Family Health
  • Health Policies and Planning
  • Urgency and emergency
  • health surveillance

To get the certificate at the end of the course, it is necessary to achieve a minimum score (six) in all activities. In order to register, the candidate must register the platform virtual form and, at the end of the process, login to register your participation in the course.

Applications are active and available until September 31st. More information can be viewed on the official course website: https://www.unasus.gov.br/cursos/oferta/417416

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