Arts Lesson Plan (Childhood Education)

Lesson Plans

This early childhood arts lesson plan is ideal for the stage when students are still learning to use scissors.

Per School Education
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THEME: Creating images from others

YEAR: Kindergarten to 2nd grade (elementary school)

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On an A4 paper, the child will use his imagination to create an image through shredded paper.


  • A4 paper format;
  • Several old magazines;
  • Glue;
  • Children's books for picture reference.


Distribute the children's books to the children and ask them to look for a picture they like, then explain that they will have to recreate the image on A4 paper by pasting small pieces of paper cut from magazines old.

Demonstrate how it should be done, so the children can have a better idea of ​​how to perform the proposed exercise.


Encourage students to share their creations with the whole class. Ask them to explain why they chose the image.

A good alternative to extending this task would be to allow students to create a unique picture and then write a few sentences about it. Another idea is to ask them to create abstract art (for higher grade students).

You may also be interested: Arts lesson plan – Creating canvases using chalk dust

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