Enem 2019 registration payment deadline is Thursday

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Students who did not obtain exemption have until next Thursday (23) to pay the registration fee for Enem 2019.

Per Rafael Miranda
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After registration for the 2019 National High School Examination (Enem) has ended, students who have not obtained an exemption have until next Thursday (23) to pay the registration fee. The amount is R$85 and can be paid at bank branches, lottery shops and post offices.

Those who were entitled to exemption from payment of the fee and completed the registration within the deadline are guaranteed participation.

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Registration for the Enem ended last Friday (17) with 6,384,957 subscribers. The total number of confirmed participants will be announced on the 28th of this month. The tests will be applied on two Sundays, November 3 and 10.

Those who have completed high school or will complete it this year can use their Enem scores, for example, to enroll in access programs to higher education such as the Unified Selection System (Sisu) and the University for All Program (ProUni) or funding student.

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enem registration 2019
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