How much does a Judicial Officer earn?

The Official of Justice, also called Probation officer Evaluator, is the server of the Judiciary responsible for carrying out the acts of judicial communications, that is, subpoenas, repossession of movable and immovable property, coercive conductions, search and seizure warrants, citations and others.

In short, the main attribution of this professional is to ensure compliance with the orders of the judge in his district. In this sense, the expression from the Latin longa manus (in Portuguese “long hand”) is used in the judiciary to say that the bailiff is like the hand of the judge beyond the forum.

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How to become a bailiff?

First of all, it is important to know that, in order to work as a bailiff, it is necessary to pass a public tender and appointed to perform the function.

Since the career is linked to the Courts of Justice of the States and the Federal District and Territories, vacancies are opened through competitions held by these bodies.

While in some states the investiture requires only high school education, in others it is necessary to have a bachelor's degree in law or, even, in any area of ​​activity.

What Does a Judicial Officer Do?

According to art. 154. of the New Code of Civil Procedure, it is incumbent upon the bailiff:

I – personally carry out summonses, arrests, attachments, arrests and other diligences typical of his/her office, whenever possible in the presence of two witnesses, certifying what happened in the warrant, mentioning the place, day and time hour;

II – carry out the orders of the judge to which he is subordinate;

III – deliver the warrant to a notary after its fulfillment;

IV – assist the judge in maintaining order;

V – carry out assessments, when applicable;

VI – certify, in a warrant, the self-composition proposal presented by any of the parties, on the occasion of carrying out the communication act that fits it.

It is important to point out that the other attributions of the career are established through state and federal laws.

In general, working hours are 40 hours a week, however, with flexible hours. Many activities are carried out outside of business hours. Therefore, it is very common for bailiffs to work on weekends or overnight.

For some people, the way they work is one of the attractions of their career, because with more flexible hours, there is the possibility for the servant to manage his time, organizing the best way to fulfill the activities.

Another important aspect of the function is that most demands are performed in external environments and not in offices, as is common in legal professions.

Bailiffs work using their own car, except in cases that require the use of an official vehicle. In addition, they almost always work alone, except when they need police support to carry out an activity that puts their physical integrity at risk.

What is the Salary of a Judicial Officer?

The initial salaries of the position, in addition to employment stability, benefits and the possibility of career progression are some of the most attractive points of the profession.

But, after all, How much does a Judicial Officer earn?? According to a survey made available by the Union of Bailiffs of Minas Gerais (Sindojus MG), currently the initial career salaries are:

  • Acre: BRL 4,200.00
  • Alagoas: BRL 5,237.76
  • Amapá: BRL 5,242.26
  • Amazon: BRL 7,500.00
  • Bahia: BRL 3,545.41
  • Ceará: BRL 5,400.00
  • Federal District: BRL 4,663.67
  • Espírito Santo: BRL 4,200.00
  • Goiás: BRL 3,055.35
  • Maranhão: BRL 7,126.54
  • Mato Grosso: BRL 3,449.17
  • Mato Grosso do Sul: BRL 5,715.42
  • Minas Gerais: BRL 2,162.61
  • Pará: BRL 8,500.00
  • Paraíba: BRL 4,000.00
  • Paraná: BRL 8,550.03
  • Pernambuco: BRL 4,237.60
  • Piauí: BRL 3,464.57
  • Rio Grande do Norte: BRL 5,928.70
  • Rio Grande do Sul: BRL 4,000.00
  • Rio de Janeiro: BRL 5,100.00
  • Rondônia: BRL 4,675.45
  • Roraima: BRL 5,313.01
  • Santa Catarina: BRL 5,217.59
  • São Paulo: BRL 4,220.58
  • Sergipe: BRL 3,555.34
  • Tocantins: BRL 6,506.31

According to the survey, salaries vary according to the federative unit. The values ​​range from BRL 2,162.61 The BRL 8,550.03. Such discrepancy occurs due to the minimum education required for the position.

In addition, the amounts quoted do not include any benefits, gratuities or indemnities. As well as salary, salaries are also variable according to the city or state of operation.

Some of the most common additions are meal vouchers, transportation indemnity, reimbursement for mileage due diligence, bonus for exercise and trienniums, bonus for productivity, allowance for costs, premium for dangerous work and allowance for life risk.

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