THESE are the 5 coldest signs of the zodiac, according to astrologers

Some people prefer to keep themselves emotionally distant, which makes them seen as cold and even insensitive. For astrology, the explanation for this can be found in the individual's sign.

For this reason, we will show which are the 5 coldest signs of the entire zodiac and hypothesize about why they are like that. Follow!

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(Image: Disclosure)

1. Aquarius: the desire for freedom

True to their need to be free, Aquarians tend not to get emotionally attached. So when a separation is necessary, they handle it lightly.

For Aquarians, the rational aspect is fundamental. For this reason, they prefer to venture into new perspectives, regardless of what social rules dictate.

2. Capricorn: focus on work and self-control

The main target of people of this sign is with their work and personal improvement. A communication it is used in a targeted and objective way, and this can be seen as something cold.

Capricorns are calm, have a lot of self-control and know how to reciprocate when someone shows appreciation. Also, the apparent coldness may be a result of your difficulty expressing feelings.

3. Scorpio: difficulty trusting

Contrary to what is imagined, this sign manages to connect emotionally only with whom he deems he can be trusted. He usually avoids constantly exposing himself in posts on the internet, for example.

Thus, Scorpios do not show their feelings in an attempt to protect themselves from possible past disappointing behavior.

4. Virgo: Fear of Judgment

Control is one of the main characteristics of Virgos, with their feelings, they don't usually act differently. Thus, they keep a certain level of distance from any emotional involvement, running away from disappointments.

Another point that justifies such a more contracted posture is the fear of judgment or non-acceptance. Virgos prefer to display a certain emotional coldness as a protection against possible judgment or criticism.

5. Gemini: rationalization of feelings

Geminis are known for their duality and versatility, which can lead to them appearing emotionally distant.

They tend to rationalize their feelings and prefer to apply a certain lightness to interactions, avoiding getting too deep into emotions.

Its communicative nature and sociable can give the impression that they are extroverted and open, but in reality, they can hide their true emotions behind a smile or a joke.

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