What is fable? Learn more about stories with animal characters!

You probably remember when you were a kid, when fables formed part of the teachings of his life. Or, in this case, if you are a mother, father, teacher, uncle, brother, grandfather, she is still present.

But sometimes you don't have the slightest idea what I'm talking about and you came here to try to understand what is fable. See below!

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What is fable?

To the fables they are figurative narratives in which the characters are animals with human characteristics. Written in the format of prose or in verse, should always bring a moral lesson behind the story.

With a lasting existence in society, the gender it is used as an instrument for educational purposes, mainly in teaching children. including many popular sayings come from their morals, such as that “haste is the enemy of perfection”, fruit of the fable The hare and the turtle.

However, because it is also told orally, the fable has many versions of the same story. These depend on the emphasis that seeks to be given and the intention that the writer has with it.

Another interesting point of these stories is the option to use many resources, such as emotion, irony, satire, etc.

origin of fables

The origin of fables was in the East, initially belonging to the Assyrians and Babylonians. However, it was Aesop, a writer from Ancient Greece, who developed it during the 6th century BC. W.

Historically, narratives have been divided into three periods:

  1. First period: Oriental fables, which had morality as an essential part.
  2. Second period: Updates of the Latin fabulist Pedro, consecrating the literary form of the genre and inserting satire in the verses.
  3. Third period: Stories of modern fabulists, which include Jean de La Fontaine.

fable authors

Varied are the names of fable producers, among them are Aesop, Peter, la fontaine It is Monteiro Lobato.

Monteiro Lobato is the Brazilian name of the most influential writer of children's fables. The Site of the Yellow Woodpecker is his most relevant title in Brazilian children's literature, even inspiring television productions.

examples of fables

There are many fables that make up the social imaginary and mentality of children. Look examples some of the best known:

  • The grasshopper and the ant
  • The hare and the turtle
  • The fox and the grapes
  • The Lion and the Mouse

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