Open Free Online Course with 250 places on Business Management

The Good Business Paraná Program, a project that aims to promote development through training and support for small and micro entrepreneurs in the industrial sectors, recently opened a management training course business.

The course has 250 seats. virtually, so free and the Applications can be made directly on the website. of the program until the April 14 deadline.

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The start of the course is scheduled for April 20th to June 22nd, totaling 66 hours of workload.

The project was made from the partnership between the Laboratory of Educational Technology (Labted) in a partnership of the State University of Londrina (UEL), in the north of Paraná, and other higher education institutions in the state.

The course has five modules, namely:
1- Business management
2- Commercial management
3- Financial management
4- People management
5- Strategic management

The project aims to collaborate with economic and social development, training micro and small entrepreneurs, in order to generate an improvement combined with business growth and the consequent generation of jobs, income and formalization of companies.

For more information, access the site: Website – Bom Negócios PR, or get in touch by calling (43) 3371-4385 or sending an email to [email protected].

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