How to make a Renner credit card

With Visa and MasterCard flags, and also in its international and Gold version, Renner, a chain of clothing and accessories stores for women, men and children, has an exclusive brand card.

Created in 1973, the Renner Card is one of the first store cards in Brazil.

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Currently, it has a differentiated annuity, which is only charged if there is a purchase outside Lojas Renner. This tariff will have a value of R$ 9.90. Thus, the card is ideal for those who make purchases quite frequently on the network.

Advantages of the Renner card

Between the benefits offered by the Renner card, we highlight:

  • More Credit: Possibility of shopping at Renner S.A. and in several other establishments;
  • More convenience: You can choose the most suitable payment method for you (booklet or invoice) and the due date;
  • More flexibility: Choice of payment between the minimum and total invoice;
  • More peace of mind: Chance to enjoy a limit for emergency withdrawals, if necessary.
  • More security: The credit card has a chip to increase its security.

How to make a Renner card?

Fortunately, Renner has provided a practical way to request the card, which previously was done only at a physical store in the network.

For make the Renner card it is necessary to download the application “Meu Cartão Renner” in your smartphone or tablet, and follow the steps below:

  1. With the application open, click on “Make card”;
  2. Fill in the requested personal data;
  3. Take one selfie to certify your authority;
  4. Take a photo of your ID;
  5. Sign the electronic contract on the mobile phone screen/tablet;
  6. Create your password to access the payment site and purchases;
  7. Check your purchase limit and your digital card.

At that moment, your virtual card will already be released for purchases in physical and virtual stores.

See too:

  • Understand how the credit card works
  • Marisa Card – How to do it, Annuity, Benefits, 2nd copy

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