22 Folk Songs to Amuse Children

“Batatinha when it is born, it spreads on the ground. Little girl when she sleeps, she puts her hand on her heart.” Surely, at least once in your life, you've heard these verses, right?

This is one of the most well-known examples of folklore parlendas. They are part of the culture and oral manifestations of Brazilian folklore, along with tongue twisters, diviners, legends and lullabies.

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What are Folklore Phrases?

Folk rhymes are children's verses, characterized mainly by being short, and also by rhyme and repetition. It is these characteristics, together with the easy memorization, that make them so dear to the little ones.

The word parlenda has a Latin origin and is derived from the verb parlare, which means to talk. In popular language, it can also refer to "chatter", "talk a lot", "talk without commitment" or "talk nonsense".

Most of the verses are anonymous and the main form of transmission between generations is through popular oral traditions. Therefore, some scholars of the subject argue that they can be considered as educational systems of Brazilian literature.

Although variations may occur, most verses have five or six rhythmic syllables. The themes are as diverse as possible, but generally include everyday situations and animals as characters.

This set of words often has no connection, but even so, they are very amusing, helping to compose jokes and stories.

Parlegends can yield very rich activities, especially with regard to memorization, logical reasoning, communication, orality and content fixation.

For educators who are looking for material of this nature, we made a selection with the best folk speeches. Check out!

Examples of folkloric speeches

1. “Today is Sunday, ask for a pipe
Pipe is made of clay, it goes in a jar
The pitcher is thin, it fits in the bell
The bell is golden, it goes to the bull
The bull is brave, he gives us
We are weak, we fall into the hole
The hole is deep, the world is over!”

2. “I went to the fair to buy grapes,
I found an owl,
I stepped on her tail,
called me a dirty face.”

3. “One, two, beans and rice,
Three, four, beans on the plate,
Five, six, speak English,
Seven, eight, eat cookies,
Nine, ten, eat pastries.”

4. "Santa Luzia
passed by
with your little horse
Eating grass.
Santa Luzia
Who had three daughters:
One that spun,
One that weaves,
one that took
The speck there was.”

5. “The monkey went to the fair
Didn't have anything to buy
bought a chair
for bedpan to sit down
the chair smashed
Poor bedpan
It ended up in the hall.”

6. “Blonde parrot
from the golden beak
take this letter
for my boyfriend
If you're sleeping
Knock on the door
if you woke up
Leave a message.”

7. "Grandma's House
vine braid;
if the coffee is taking too long
definitely lacks dust.”

8. “Run agouti, at her aunt's house.
Run vine, at grandma's house.
Handkerchief in hand, fell to the floor.
Beautiful girl, from my heart...
One two three!"

9. “Up there on the piano
has a glass of poison.
who drank, died,
it was your bad luck.”

10. “Uni, duni, te,
salami, porridge,
A colored ice cream,
The chosen one was you!”

11. “I stepped on the pebble,
the pebble rolled
I winked at the good guy,
the good guy liked
I told mom
Mom didn't call
I told daddy
The slipper sang.”

12. “King, captain,
soldier, thief.
pretty girl
From my heart."

13. “Where's the bacon that was here?
The cat ate.
Where is the cat?
Went to the bush.
Where is the bush?
The fire burned.
Where's the fire?
The water went out.
Where's the water?
The ox drank.
Where's the ox?
He went to carry wheat.
Where's the wheat?
The chicken spread.
Where's the chicken?
Went to lay an egg.
Where's the egg?
The friar ate.
Where is the friar?
It's in the convent."

14. "Little finger,
Your neighbor,
Father of all,
pierce cake,
Kills lice.”

15. “A flea on the scale
jumped up and went to France,
The horses running,
The boys playing,
Let's see who gets it."

16. “Who whispers,
The tail sticks out,
Eat bread
With gecko.”

17. “Oven mouth,
He takes away the cake,
If a master orders?
We will all!
And if not?

18. “Potato when born
it spreads across the floor.
little girl when she sleeps
he puts his hand on his heart.”

19. “The Parrot eats corn.
parakeet takes fame.
Some sing and others cry
Sad fate of those who love.”

20. “Who goes on the air,
loses place.
Who goes in the wind,
loses the seat.
Who goes to the riverside,
lose the chair.”

21. “John cuts the bread,
Maria stirs the angu,
Teresa sets the table,
for the Armadillo party.”

22. “Rain and sun, marriage
of Spanish.
Sun and rain, wedding
of a widow.”

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