How to make a Golden Scissors credit card

In partnership with the credit card company Cred-System, to the Golden Scissors Stores, a clothing and footwear chain with several stores throughout the Midwest, offers an exclusive credit card to its customers with offers, benefits and exclusive conditions.

Look how to make golden scissors credit card:

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Among your card benefits Golden Scissors, they are:

  • Payment in up to 8 fixed installments or 5 interest-free installments;
  • No fee or annual fee;
  • Online invoice issuance;
  • No proof of income required;
  • Accepted in all Golden Scissor chains.

Who can make the Gold Scissors card?

Persons over 18 years of age with proven income and a valid and unrestricted CPF at Serasa/SPC, with no pending issues with the Federal Revenue can apply for the Gold Scissors card.

Documents needed to make the Gold Scissors card

The documents needed to apply for the Tesoura de Ouro card are the RG, identity document such as passport, CNH, among others, CPF (if not included in the identification document) and proof of residence (in your own name or a first-degree relative) degree).

There is no need for proof of income.

How to make the Gold Scissors card?

Until then, the process of applying for the Tesoura de Ouro card was only possible via a physical store.

  1. The first step is Consult the store closest to you
  2. At the store, look for the credit section and go to the service counter.
  3. Make your request to the attendant filling out the required documents and deliver to the responsible sector, along with copies of your documents.
  4. Upon delivery of the documents, the analysis will be carried out immediately. When approved, you will already leave with the card in hand to make purchases.

See too:

  • Havan Card – How to do it, Annuity, 2nd Copy, Invoice
  • Sou Barato Visa Card – What it is, how to apply, advantages, unlocking

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