What is food cake?

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food cake is formed by a mass of humidified and chewed food that is formed by food that has been ground in the mouth by the action of the teeth and the Spittle. It proceeds towards the stomach to continue the process of digestion.

Digestion begins in the mouth, with the action of enzyme amylase that makes the first breakdown of starch, therefore, the bolus is a stage of digestion.

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Digestive system - Upper part
Digestive system – Upper part

After being formed in the mouth, the food bolus is propelled towards the pharynx through tongue movements.

After passing through the pharynx, the bolus proceeds to the esophagus and is propelled by peristaltic movements to the stomach. This process that the bolus travels from the mouth to the stomach is called swallowing.

When it reaches the stomach, the food bolus joins the enzymes present in the gastric juice and is digested, giving rise to a mass acidic and semi-liquid which is now called chyme.

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The chyme goes to the intestine, where digestion ends, nutrients are absorbed and what is not used is eliminated in the feces.

Mind map - Digestive system
Mind map - Digestive system

See too:

  • What is bioluminescence?
  • What is biodiversity?
  • What is autotrophic and heterotrophic?

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