Consequences of the Industrial Revolution

A Industrial Revolution began in the second half of the 18th century in England, causing significant transformations for humanity with the emergence of industries and the strengthening of capitalism. It profoundly influenced the world social, economic and political system.

O technological and scientific advancement, enabled the improvement of techniques for production, in addition to several inventions of machinery and the use of new energy sources (coal and oil).

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Summary of the Industrial Revolution

The reasons that made England the country that led the industrial development, from the second half of the century XVIII, was the creation of the first steam engine, still in the XVII century, built by Thomas Newcomen and perfected by James Watt, in the century XVIII. The large accumulation of capital, the enclosure policy, its geographical position, among others.

The technological advancement of the Industrial Revolution enabled the development of machines aimed at the textile sector. Several machines were created with the purpose of weaving yarn. The innovation at that time consisted in the fact that such machines facilitated and streamlined the production of clothing fabrics. Without them, it would take several people to get the job done.

At the beginning of the 19th century, technological development led to the creation of railroads and locomotives. From 1830 they were built all over England.

The railroads were very important because they reduced the distances, making the transport of loads more efficient, as well as expanding the transport capacity of products for locomotion.

The railways were a consequence of the prosperity of English industry. It could not manage all the capital surplus, boosting investments in them. As a result, its financiers were precisely the capitalists who made progress in the Industrial Revolution.

In this way, it is clear that the revolution caused significant changes in the mode of production. Previously, production was manufacturing, i.e. a manual production (built by one person). After the revolution, production became machine-made.

With the rise of machinofatura, the use of several workers for the production of a single commodity was no longer necessary as the machines did the whole process alone. In this way, the worker's salary decreased significantly.

In general, the main consequences of the Industrial Revolution were:

  • New labor relations, emergence of a new working class and unions;
  • Expansion of imperialism;
  • Industrialization of countries;
  • Industrial elite;
  • Progress in several areas (electrical, mechanical, medical, etc.);
  • Increased consumption;
  • Increased production;
  • Consolidation of capitalism;
  • Rural Exodus: Many people left the countryside and went to the cities;
  • Urbanization: With the rural exodus, cities found themselves without infrastructure, which culminated in several social problems;
  • Serious Environmental Impacts;
  • Between others;

Phases of the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution was divided into three phases:

  1. First Industrial Revolution: It was the beginning of the English industrialization process. Lived from the 18th century, more specifically between 1760 and 1850. It started a new form of consumption and production and the predominance of the use of coal, as power supply. He settled in Western Europe, basically in England.
  2. Second Industrial Revolution: Predominated in the 19th century and ended during the Second World War. Industrialization spread to non-European countries. It was marked by the rise of technologies and profits, as well as the use of Petroleum, as power supply.
  3. A Third Industrial Revolution: It began in the mid-twentieth century and extends to the present day. Also known as Technoscientific Revolution. This phase is characterized by scientific advancement, in addition to technological advances. Progress in the areas of robotics, science, biotechnology, information technology, are some of the hallmarks of this period. spread to much of the world through globalization.

Learn more at:

  • Industrial Revolution in Brazil
  • Causes and Preconditions for the Industrial Revolution

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