O Bank of Brazil (BB) It is one of the largest bank branches in the country. Founded in 1808, it has thousands of customers.
In addition, as it is a highly respected institution with many service points throughout the country, the agency offers its customers greater facilities and benefits.
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O Ourocard-e card is a new proposal offered by Banco do Brasil, with novelties in purchases and transactions offering even more agility to card services.
Ourocard-e card
O Ourocard-e digital card came up with the aim of facilitating and making some services more practical and modern.
It acts as credit and debit for physical and virtual stores, and transactions are made with the aid of the cell phone.
In addition to this advantage of not always having to carry a physical card, check out the other advantages of using this card.
Even though there is still a physical card in the account, Ourocard-e offers its user extreme convenience. Thus, it is enough to have a cell phone in hand to make your purchases.
Furthermore, one of the biggest advantages of Ourocard-e is the protection of the security number of the physical card. This happens because the physical and virtual card number and security code are different.
This feature guarantees security in virtual purchases. In addition, it is made available completely free of charge to customers.
Added to this, the user has full control of the validity, limit and number of transactions that will be configured for the use of the card.
All these services, information and transactions are specified and available virtually with ease of access through the application.
The card can be used in all stores that have a Cielo machine with the technology Near Field Communication (NFC), which allows the exchange of information between devices without cables.
How to apply for the card
This card is only available to Ourocard Visa customers who have a smartphone Android equipped with NFC, for contactless payments.
The digital card must be requested by the Ourocard-e app or through the general application of Banco do Brasil.
The first step is to download one of the apps on Google Play, in your smartphone's app store.
Bank of Brazil application
To request the card in the BB application, click on the “Menu” option, then on “Cards” and then on “Ourocard-e”.
After that, you will need to enter the physical card password to access the digital card.
The next step will be to inform some personal information and others to register the new card.
Ready! Your digital card will be available for use.
Ourocard-e app
This application will be specific for the use of the Ourocard-e digital card. Access will be similar to that of the Banco do Brasil application.
After downloading, you will need to register with personal information, such as full name, CPF and card details.
Then, another specific registration for the digital card will be required, such as the limit, expiration date, number of transactions, as well as in the BB application.
After this last registration, your card will be ready for use in future purchases.
How to use the card
To use it, just go to a physical store and when paying, open the application on smartphone, select the card and payment method.
After that, bring your cell phone closer to the card machine and enter the password, only for purchases over R$ 50.00, and that's it!
Online purchases are made normally, with the card data and password available on the payment page.
See too:
- How to apply for the new Neon credit card? See the step by step!
- UZZO Card – What it is, benefits, advantages, how to apply, 2nd copy