10 tips for getting a new job in quarantine

Due to the economic crisis installed in the country by the new coronavirus, numerous companies cut their staff and froze new hires. In addition, most companies and startups that are running normally have adopted the home office as a working model.

However, even at home office, some companies continue to hire and do most or all of the admission process online. And even with the hiring freeze, some positions are classified as critical and essential. Those who still cannot hire, continue with selections and interviews, with the aim of already having a candidate when the hiring is released.

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In other words, not all is lost. It is important to remain active in job searches and not be discouraged by the scenario we are experiencing. So, check out some tips below on how to proceed with your job search during this period.

1 – Update your resume

Depending on your area of ​​expertise, it is also important to have an English version of your CV. In addition, some companies also request a portfolio showcasing their work and activities. One 

curriculum well done can be the passport to job interview and, who knows, for the new professional opportunity.

2 – Activate your network

It's important to let your social circle know that you're looking for a new challenge, preferably as many people as possible. Unfortunately, there are people being turned off and hiding this is a mistake that makes it difficult for the professional to be hired for a new job opportunity. The first and main source of search for a contractor continues to be the indication. The more people who know you're looking for a job, the better your chances of being nominated.

3 – Update your LinkedIn profile

It should be a mirror of your physical resume. Pay attention to the keywords in your profile, they must be related to your position. For example, if you were a key SAP Software user, mention this on LinkedIn. If you work in finance and have the Regional Accounting Council (CRC) active, also mention this in your profile. Always be as narrative and descriptive as possible about your roles, roles, and activities. The more information, the easier it is to be found by recruiters.

4 – Provide email and cell phone

In your personal data on your CV and Linkedin, provide your email and cell phone number. Often the recruiter has difficulty talking to a candidate found by Linkedin due to lack of contact information. Don't forget to activate your cell phone to receive network notifications. That way, you'll immediately see if someone sends you a message there. Also, if you don't answer on time, always return cell phone calls: it could be a recruiter looking for you.

5 – Never put “in search of replacement”

In your job title field, don't put "looking for a job", just put your most recent role. It is essential that this part is filled in, because profiles are often searched for by some filter in the job title field.

6 – Use multiple search platforms

When looking for a job, monitor open positions on various platforms. Be aware of the consulting sites, such as Talenses, Mappit, Assigna and other recruitment companies in the market, as well as the LinkedIn vacancies field itself. Also, it's always worth applying for ads to get a better chance of being called.

7 – Expand your connections

On Linkedin, you only see up to your third connection and, likewise, your profile is only seen by people who are up to your third connection. The larger your network of contacts, the more visible your profile is to recruiters and the easier you will be found. Search for acquaintances and expand your network of Linkedin connections.

8 – Join groups

Another way to get more views of your profile is through groups. Participate in those that have to do with your career or geographic location. If you reach the limit of possible groups, always opt for groups with the largest number of professionals.

9 – Share relevant content

On your social networks, share relevant content, avoid getting into controversy and don't be a negative person who only complains. This way, the chance for people to have a good impression of you and to share your articles and posts increases. Consequently, your profile will be more viewed.

10 – Use your profile picture

Have a photo on your Linkedin profile, preferably in which you are smiling and with a more professional presentation. This helps to make your profile more attractive.

Did you like the tips? In the video below, learn how to create the ideal profile on Linkedin.

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