Land use in brazil

Brazil is a country with a large territorial extension, becoming the fifth largest in the world, in terms of territory. Therefore, it is to be expected that there are many forms of use and production of this land here.

In fact, in Brazil we find several activities carried out in our territory. They can be both focused on agricultural and livestock production, as well as extractive. The activities depend a lot on the geographic characteristics of each region, as well as its history.

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Therefore, check below the main forms of exploration and use of land in Brazil

Commercial Agriculture

Along with livestock production, it is one of the largest productions in our country. Its outstanding characteristic is the intensive use of several cutting-edge technologies, as well as specialized labor and agricultural inputs.

Brazilian commercial agriculture is centered in the south, north center and interior regions of são paulo. In addition, it is aimed at the internal markets, and also at the export of products such as soybeans, sugar cane, oranges and coffee.

Family and subsistence farming

Another form of agricultural production is family farming. Its characteristic is the manufacture in small and medium size. Unlike the commercial one, few technologies and inputs are used here.

Another difference between the two is productivity. In family crops, old techniques are used, with low productivity, often for consumption by the family itself. When commercialized, they are sold to local cooperatives.

This form of agriculture is found all over the country.

Semi-extensive livestock

In this form of livestock, cattle receive specific feed for weight gain. That's because they need to gain commercial value quickly. The production is medium, and practiced in large and medium-sized properties.

We can find this type of livestock in the central-north, south, inland regions of the southeast, and in the coastal strip of the northeast.

Extensive livestock

Unlike semi-extensive livestock, here the cattle are free in large pastures, feeding only on it. Breeding takes place on large properties, however, with little labor, equipment and inputs.

Therefore, productivity also decreases. The form of livestock can be found in the central and interior regions of the northeast.

plant extractivism

It is about extracting plant goods. Therefore, they are carried out in forest areas, in the extraction of fruits, roots, nuts, wood, and latex. As it is an exploration in forests, in Brazil the main region that develops this activity is the area of ​​the Amazon forest.

Agricultural products

Agriculture is one of the bases of the Brazilian economy. Our products are not only marketed within the national territory, but are also exported to various regions of the world.

One of these products is soybeans, produced mainly in Goiás, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. In addition, the famous coffee is produced mainly in São Paulo, Espírito Santo and Minas Gerais.

Sugarcane is largely produced in Paraná, Minas Gerais and in the interior of São Paulo. While rice has as producing poles the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Maranhão and Mato Grosso.

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