Can or puddle? What's the correct way?

can or puddle, do you know the correct form? Both words exist in the Portuguese language. Despite this, they are not synonymous and even the pronunciation is not the same. While, in one, the vowel “o” is closed (ô), in the other, it is open (ó).

Among the meanings of these words, one can highlight a noun that indicates a small cavity where water accumulates, in addition to also indicating impatience, admiration or surprise.

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One of these two words is the conjugated form of the verb Poder, which is used to name suppositions, hypotheses and desires. Even more, it can refer to the act of controlling, enduring, tolerating, or enduring.

can - verb

The word “possa” is the conjugated form of the verb Poder in the 1st or 3rd person singular of the present subjunctive.

The expression can refer to: endure, control, tolerate and endure. In addition, it indicates assumptions, hypotheses and desires.

Check now the conjugation of the verb pode:

Verb power — Present subjunctive 

  • That I can
  • that you can
  • that he can
  • that we can
  • that you can
  • May they

To understand better, check Examples with the verb power:

  • May I arrive healthy.
  • I hope João can go to the mall.
  • Maybe you can see me tomorrow.
  • It is very important that Miguel can be honest with you.

puddle — noun

The word “puddle” is a noun referring to a small cavity with little depth that accumulates water, whether natural or artificial. Furthermore, it can also indicate impatience, surprise, admiration or irritation.

To better understand the meaning of the noun, see examples with puddle:

  • Be careful not to get dirty in the puddle.
  • Luiz spilled all the juice! Made a puddle on the floor!
  • The puddle is preventing the girls from passing without getting wet.
  • João got dirty in the puddle.

See too:

  • Again or again?
  • At last or in the end?
  • From or from?
  • Thirst or give in?
  • The end or the end?

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