Immune system exercises

O immune system or immune is composed of different cells, such as white blood cells, and organs, such as the spleen, which are responsible for defending and protecting the body from pathological agents that can cause illness.

We prepared a list of exercises on the immune system so you can test your knowledge of human immunology.

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Exercises – Immune system

1) (PUC-Rio) The human body's reaction to infectious diseases is influenced by the immune system. Tick ​​the alternative that presents correctly elements related to this system.

a) Lymphocytes and red blood cells.
b) Platelets and leukocytes.
c) Platelets and red blood cells.
d) Macrophages and lymphocytes.
e) Macrophages and red blood cells.

2) (PUC-MG) Influenza and AIDS are diseases caused by viruses. However, the flu has a benign course, and AIDS no longer does. This occurs because:

a) the flu virus is weaker than the AIDS virus.
b) the AIDS virus destroys the cells responsible for the immune defense.
c) our body is already naturally immune to the flu virus.
d) the AIDS virus is not recognized as an antigen by the immune system.
e) the infection mechanisms are different.

3) (FUVEST) Which of the following situations can lead a child's organism to become immune to a certain pathogenic agent, for many years, even for the rest of his life?

a) Passage of antibodies against the agent, from the mother to the fetus, during pregnancy.
b) Passage of antibodies against the agent, from mother to child, during breastfeeding.
c) Inoculation, in the child's body, of organic molecules that make up the agent.
d) Inoculation, in the child's organism, of specific antibodies against the agent.
e) Inoculation, in the child's body, of blood serum obtained from an animal immunized against the agent.

4) (PUC-Rio) We consider a vaccine to be a material that contains:

a) antibodies against a certain pathogen, which stimulate the individual's immune response.

b) antibodies against a certain pathogen produced by another animal and which provide immunological protection.
c) sera from individuals previously immunized against that pathogen.
d) white cells produced by animals, which multiply in the body of the individual who receives the vaccine.
e) a weakened live pathogen or parts of it to stimulate the immune response but not cause disease.

5) (ENEM) “Both yellow fever and dengue are diseases caused by viruses from the arbovirus group, belonging to the genus Flavivirus, with four serotypes for the virus that causes dengue. The transmission of both occurs through the bite of mosquitoes, such as Aedes aegypti. However, although they share these characteristics, today, in Brazil, there is only a vaccine for yellow fever and no effective vaccine for dengue”. MINISTRY OF HEALTH. National Health Foundation. Dengue: Instructions for vector combat personnel. Manual of Technical Standards. Available in: Accessed on: 7 Aug. 2012 (adapted).

This fact can be attributed to:

a) higher mutation rate of the yellow fever virus than the dengue virus.
b) high antigenic variability of the dengue virus in relation to the yellow fever virus.
c) less adaptation of the dengue virus to the human population than the yellow fever virus.
d) presence of two types of nucleic acids in the dengue virus and only one type in the yellow fever virus.
e) low ability to induce the immune response by the dengue virus compared to the yellow fever virus.

6) (CESGRANRIO) The body's defense cells play their role through phagocytosis and the production of antibodies. As an example of these cells, we can cite, respectively:

a) lymphocytes and neutrophils.
b) red blood cells and erythrocytes.
c) erythrocytes and leukocytes.
d) leukocytes and macrophages.
e) macrophages and plasma cells.

7) Our body's defense against invading organisms is guaranteed thanks to a series of organs, cells and molecules that make up our system:

a) nervous.
b) digestory.
c) immunological.
d) cardiovascular.
e) locomotive.

8) (PUC-RS) A person who has seriously impaired plasma cell activity would have problems with:

a) production of antibodies.
b) venous circulation.
c) urea production.
d) lymphatic circulation.
e) production of toxins.

9) In the immune system, some defense cells, when in contact with the antigen, differentiate into memory cells. This causes:

a) a person becomes immune to any disease forever.
b) the primary immune response is effective.
c) the secondary response is faster.
d) let us heal from any disease.
e) our body produces antibodies that will be stored for a new infection.

10) (FCC-SP) If we want to provoke a specific and lasting immunization in a person, we must inject into his organism:

a) antibodies that a rabbit made against any type of bacteria.
b) antibodies that a rabbit made against a specific type of bacteria.
c) active antigens of any kind.
d) attenuated antigens of a specific type.
e) certain types of attenuated antigens.


1 — d
2 — b
3 — c
4 — and
5 — b

6 — and
7 — c
8 — the
9 — c
10 — d

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See too:

  • List of exercises on cellular respiration
  • List of exercises on spermatogenesis
  • List of exercises on amino acids

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