Discover the 20 best universities in Brazil in 2020!

A best university in Brazil is located in the state of São Paulo. A USP It is a state university and, for many years, has been ranked among the best universities in the country.

The survey indicated a high result for USP with a score of 98.02. Among the criteria, USP ranks 2nd in internationalization, 4th in best teaching and 7th in innovation.

Thus, USP has the best performance among all universities in Brazil.

UNICAMP It is one of the 4 public universities maintained by the state of São Paulo, with USP, UNESP and UNIVESP, excellent teaching institutions.

UNICAMP acquired 97.09 points in the evaluation, ranking second among the best universities in Brazil. Its main indices, in which it occupies the second best performance, were teaching, research and innovation.

UFRJ is the best federal institution, a reference among Brazilian universities, earning 97 points in the ranking.

It is the university in 1st place in the innovation indicator, 4th best in teaching, market and internationalization and 5th in research.

A UFMG it is the second best federal university on the list, in 4th place in the general list of the best Brazilian universities.

With 96.72 points, the university proved excellent indicators, winning the best placement in the teaching criterion.

In addition, the best institution also reached second place in the market.

Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul is the best of the institutions outside the Southeast region, with 95.68 ranking points.

Established in South region, UFRGS presents itself as the second excellent institution in teaching and research.

A UNESP is another public institution established in the state of São Paulo. It is the third best state university in Brazil and has 92.67 points.

UNESP's best nominees are in research and market preference and sixth overall.

The 7th best university in Brazil and the 4th best federal university in the country is UFSC. With 92.58 points in the ranking, the university is in 8th place in teaching and research.

The 8th place on the list is occupied by Federal University of Paraná, with 92.02 points.

Among the institutions in the South region, UFPR is the 3rd best in the region and the 3rd best result in the country in the innovation indicator.

University of Brasilia is the first among universities in the Midwest. It occupies the 9th place with 91.21 points in the survey.

Its best performance among the criteria is in the teaching indicator, in 6th position.

The 10th position is occupied by UFPE, the best university located in Northeast region.

In addition, it is the 6th best federal university, with 89.7 points in the RUF.

A UFC it is also a federal institution and the 2nd best university in the Northeast.

With 89.47 points, the best criterion among the nominees is the UFC's best performance in the internationalization item.

Federal University of São Carlos is located in the state of São Paulo. The overall placement of the UFSCAR ranking is 12th in the ranking, with 89.15 points, 7th in teaching and 9th in research.

A UERJ is a state institution of the Rio de Janeiro and has the 13th highest overall performance.

Among the evaluation criteria, UERJ's best performance is the 10th place in market preference, with 87.81 points.

Among Northeastern universities, UFBA it is the 3rd best in the region and the 14th among all universities in the country.

UFBA's best indicator is the 12th place in market preference and 86.95 points in the survey.

Federal University of Viçosa is located in the state of Minas Gerais, being the 2nd best in the state.

In front of the 15th overall position, reaching 86.84 points, it presents excellent indicators, with 4th best in innovation, 11th in teaching and 14th in research.

Federal University of Sao Paulo it has 86.73 points in the survey and 16th in the ranking. UNIFESP's best indicators are in research, in 4th place, teaching, in 10th, and internationalization, in 15th.

A Federal Fluminense University acquired 86.66 points and 17th place in the RUF, presenting the 13th best teaching indicator.

The best private university in the ranking is Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, with 84.31 points and 18th place in the ranking.

PUCRS has excellent indicators, the best of which stands out in terms of innovation.

The 19th position is occupied by another private university, also Catholic, being the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.

The institution has 83.68 points in the survey, the 5th best internationalization index and 10th in innovation.

Goias Federal University it is the 12th best federal university in Brazil and has the 17th best market preference indicator.

The overall score of the UFG ranking is 83.58 points, being the 20th best university in Brazil.

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