All Caixa “operation numbers” for deposits

In addition to the person's agency and account number, you must also provide the operation number when there is a need to make deposits or transfers involving the Savings Bank.

Those codes aim to create a differential between different types of accounts, such as transactions made between simple current accounts and savings accounts.

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Thus, the number identifies whether it is a Public Entity account, a Caixa Fácil account, or an individual account, among others.

First of all, it is necessary to know the type of account when making a deposit or transaction in a Caixa Econômica account. Below we list all Caixa operation numbers For deposits and transfers:

Operation 001 – Individual Checking Account
As an account holder, it is possible to issue checks, receive deposits at 24-hour terminals, among others.

Operation 002 - Simple Account for Individuals

This type of account does not handle checks and does not receive deposits in envelopes, in addition, payments and withdrawals can only be made at electronic terminals or at a branch.

Operation 003 - Legal Entity Checking Account
Account for companies, condominiums with CNPJ.

Operation 006 - Public Entities
It refers to the Federal, State and Municipal Governments.

Operation 007 - Deposits to Financial Institutions
This operation is used for other banks to make deposits in Caixa accounts.

Operation 013 - Savings for Individuals
This account is Caixa's savings account. A good option to save your savings. It earns interest as established by the Federal Government.

Operation 022 - Corporate Savings
Indicates savings of an Individual, with CNPJ.

Operation 023 – Caixa Fácil Account
Intended for an Easy Caixa Account, which has no fee, has a limit of 4 monthly withdrawals and the customer has access to electronic terminals or internet Banking and make deposits.

Operation 028 - Real Estate Credit Savings
Refers to Real Estate Credit investment accounts.

Operation 043 - Lottery Deposits

This is a financial compensation and deposit operation exclusively for Caixa lotteries.

See too: How to open bank account on mobile

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