Private colleges need to invest in quality, highlights Semesp

To attract and retain students, Brazilian private higher education must invest in quality. Rectors and representatives of Brazilian institutions have visited institutes and schools in India and Singapore since the beginning of the month. The objective of the Brazilian mission is to bring innovative methods to the country.

According to Semesp's executive director, Rodrigo Capelato, it is possible to see the innovations made in India that would work in Brazil. Semesp is the entity that represents providers of higher education in Brazil.

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“Today the world is experiencing a moment of revolution in the learning model. This applies to both basic and higher education. Each institution, each research center, is studying, implementing new methodologies and we can see that.”

In his evaluation, the search for improvements in quality should be a guideline for the institutions. This should bring practical reflections to the student's life.

“The quality of the institution makes all the difference. Because that way, students will get jobs. They will manage to ascend professionally. They will even be able, if they financed their studies, to pay for that financing”.


The study 'Evasion and Migration in Brazilian Higher Education' investigates some data on private education. It was presented by Semesp at the end of April. It shows that, currently, higher education institutions, both public and private, annually lose 25.9% of young people who enroll in face-to-face courses.

In private institutions, this rate is higher, 28.5%. In the public ones, it is 18.6%. In the distance modality, 34.3% of the students leave the course in the first year.

The study also shows that the monthly fee is not the main factor for evasion. Among the more expensive courses, the dropout percentage was lower than among the cheaper ones.

“The student, when choosing, thinks about quality. It seeks an institution that has a vocation and that has a relationship with the job market. One of the characteristics of institutions with low dropout rates is that they care about students, engage with students”. With information from Agência Brasil.

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