Shark or alien? Meet the viper shark

Imagine their surprise when, in 1990, some researchers first encountered this exotic shark species. This is because, at first sight, it is possible to compare the appearance of the vipershark shark to that of the cinematic creature from “Alien: The Eighth Passenger” (1979).

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The appearance may even resemble an extraterrestrial being, but the viper dogfish is an animal that lives in the deep and dark waters of the Pacific Ocean. Therefore, it is possible to find it on the coasts of Japan and also Hawaii.

However, it takes a lot of effort to find it, as it has been seen on rare occasions by humans. This is due to the fact that the viper shark inhabits places that are difficult to access, which demands a lot of technology and investment.

Learn more about the viper shark

The size of the viper dogfish is approximately 55 centimeters and it has a long, eel-like body. However, what most draws attention is its mouth full of sharp teeth, forming a "V", which is to give anyone goosebumps.

Therefore, it is already clear that the Trigonognathus kabeyai is a predator of intense hunting ability. However, other details about its nature, such as reproduction, habits and species-like behavior, are still unknown. And what about the big, bulging green eyes, like a halloween mask? In this aspect, the animal is very similar to snakes, another animal that imposes fear on human beings.

access difficulty

To find a specimen of this mysterious and picturesque species, researchers had to descend more than 1,500 meters deep. Therefore, finding them is a true task force that requires many specialists and technological apparatus.

However, it is worth noting that the researchers assume that these animals live at even greater depths. It is believed that it resorts to the darkest places in the oceans to breed and find game. Including these would be places even explored by human beings yet, where the main difficulty is to circumvent the darkness. Meanwhile, we can only hope that technology advances and we can learn more about this animal.

In addition to waiting, you can also share this article with friends and family who also love nature facts. Let's get more people to learn about this little-known animal.

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