Protein structure exercises

To the proteinsare organic macromolecules formed by long chains of amino acids.

They are present in all living beings and are fundamental for the processes metabolic of cells to function normally.

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They present the most diverse functions such as replication of DNA, responses to stimuli, transport of molecules, synthesis of substances and catalysis of chemical reactions.

Due to the importance of proteins for living beings, this is a content that is always present in the ENEM tests and in the great entrance exams in the country.

Our team prepared a list of exercises on the structure of proteins for you to test your knowledge on the subject.

You can find the template and list to download in PDF at the end of the post!

Exercises – Structure of Proteins

1) Proteins are substances formed by the union of a large number of molecules called:

a) nucleotides.
b) nitrogenous base.
c) amino acids.
d) carbohydrates.

2) (PLB) Among the statements below, mark the one(s) that correctly characterizes the proteins:

i. They are essentially formed by C, H, O, N.
II. They are macromolecules formed by the successive union of carbohydrates of different types.
III. They can form differentiated structures, called primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary.
IV. Its basic constituent is the amino acid.

a) I, II and III.
b) II, III and IV.
c) I, III and IV.
d) II and IV.
e) I only.

3) Proteins are essential for all living beings, as they perform extremely important functions. Mark the alternative that does not indicate a function of proteins:

a) They store genetic information.
b) They act as the only energy reserve substance.
c) They participate in the composition of the exoskeleton of arthropods.
d) They form part of the structure of all cell membranes.

4) (FCM-MG) Proteins, formed by the union of amino acids, are fundamental chemical components in the physiology and cellular structure of organisms. Which of the following statements about proteins is true? correct?

a) The stability of the quaternary structure in proteins is mainly due to the covalent bonds between its subunits.
b) The information required for the correct folding of a protein is contained in the specific sequence of amino acids along the polypeptide chain.
c) Formation of a disulfide bond in a protein requires that the two participating cysteine ​​residues be adjacent to each other in the primary sequence of the protein.
d) Sickle cell anemia, caused by nutritional deficiencies, is attributed to the rupture of red blood cells, in function of the denaturation of the hemoglobin protein molecule, due to the increase in temperature body.

5) We know that the synthesis of a protein consists of the union of amino acids according to the sequence determined in a ____. This nucleic acid, in turn, is synthesized from a ____ molecule that served as a template.

Mark the alternative that correctly indicates the name of the molecules that complete the spaces.

a) RNA; DNA.
b) DNA; RNA.
c) Proteins; DNA.
d) DNA, amino acids.
e) Amino acids, DNA.

6) The form of a protein structure in which the amino group (NH) of one monoacid interacts with the carbonyl group (C=O) of another amino acid through hydrogen interactions, resulting in a structure shaped like a spring or a folded sheet of paper, is called:

a) Secondary structure
b) Primary structure
c) Quaternary structure
d) tertiary structure

7) (Fuvest-SP) Read the following text, written by Jacob Berzelius, in 1828:

“There are reasons to assume that, in animals and plants, thousands of catalytic processes occur in body fluids and tissues. Everything indicates that, in the future, we will discover that the ability of living organisms to produce the most varied types of chemical compounds lies in the catalytic power of their tissues.”

Berzelius' prediction was correct, and today we know that the "catalytic power" mentioned in the text is due to:

a) nucleic acids.
b) carbohydrates.
c) to lipids.
d) proteins.
e) vitamins.

8) (EFOA-MG) In addition to being the most abundant macromolecules in living cells, proteins play a number of structural and physiological roles in cell metabolism. With regard to these substances, it is correct to state that:

a) they are all made up of monomeric sequences of amino acids and monosaccharides.
b) in addition to their structural function, they are also the most important energy reserve and defense molecules.
c) are formed by the union of nucleotides through the amine and hydroxyl groups.
d) each individual produces its own proteins, which are encoded according to the genetic material.
e) its structure is determined by form, but does not interfere with function or specificity.

9) Myoglobin is a protein that has a tertiary structure. It is a protein whose main function is to transport oxygen gas to the muscles, and it is also the molecule responsible for the red color of any muscle. About the tertiary structure of a myoglobin, we can state that:

a) The tertiary structure is formed mainly by hydrogen interactions.
b) In the formation of the tertiary structure, we have the presence of a disulfide bridge between the amino acid units.
c) In the formation of the tertiary structure, there is the formation of prosthetic groups interconnected by iron atoms.
d) The tertiary structure has amino acids linked sequentially.

10) (UFMS) Proteins, formed by the union of amino acids, are fundamental chemical components in the physiology and cellular structure of organisms. Regarding proteins, mark the correct proposition(s).

1. Collagen is the least abundant protein in the human body, having a globular shape like most proteins.
2. The peptide bond between two amino acids occurs by the reaction of the carboxyl group of one amino acid with the amino group of another amino acid.
4. Ptyalin, an enzyme produced by the salivary glands, acts in the digestion of proteins.
8. Sickle cell anemia, caused by nutritional factors, is attributed to the breakdown of red blood cells in function of the denaturation of the hemoglobin protein molecule due to the increase in temperature body.
16. Insulin, involved in glucose metabolism, is an example of a protein hormone.
32. Casein and albumin proteins are found in milk and egg whites, respectively.


1 — c
2 — c
3 — b
4 — b
5 — the

6 — the
7 — d
8 — d
9 — b
10 – 2, 16 and 32

Click here to save this list of exercises in PDF!

See too:

  • List of exercises on amino acids
  • List of exercises on plasma membrane
  • List of exercises on eukaryotic cells
  • List of exercises on lipids

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