Women's Day at School

O International Women's Day is officially celebrated on march 8th, this since 1975 when the United Nations (UN) made the date official.

However, many people do not understand the meaning of this day and what it represents in women's lives, in Brazil and around the world.

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Female representation is so extensive that International Women's Day should not be limited to just one date commemorative, but it needs to be a moment for recognition and the continuous search for respect, equity and valuation.

Therefore, the theme is extremely important to work in the classroom. In addition to promoting listening to what students understand about the subject, it is possible to carry out research and deconstruct stereotypes created in society.

see some ways to work with children, teenagers and adults women's day at school!

Make a timeline with female achievements

Throughout human history, women have struggled and achieved many of their rights

. Although at a slow pace, there is already much to celebrate and there is still a lot of struggle ahead.

Each society has its plot, but even so it is possible to make a timeline with the most expressive female achievements.

From the authorization for Brazilian women to enter a higher education course, in 1879, to the player Marta being the first woman honored on the Maracanã Walk of Fame in 2018, some successes can be cited.

Divide the class into groups and ask students to list female achievementsin chronological order, then have them discuss among themselves what they discovered.

Catalog Brazilian and world writers

Introduce students to the names of Brazilian writers and from around the world. Afterwards, ask them to develop activities about them, it could be a play, a seminar or even a descriptive text.

With the survey, they will have a larger dimension of the number of female writers and can even see if the thinking converges with theirs.

Tell stories of the women who made a difference

Many women are inspiration and a mirror in women's struggles. There are so many women who made history in Brazil as to women who made history in the world, in different areas, professions and for different achievements.

Tell people their narrative and encourage girls to be strong, as well as boys to recognize them.

Write a text about an important woman in your life

Ask students to choose a character, which could be a mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, or any other character. woman who inspires them. Then, together with them, create souvenirs, ornaments and honor the women in their lives.

Here creativity is unleashed! Therefore, abuse the traits, colors, create music, poetry or whatever is of interest.

See too: International Women's Day at School Project

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