Imprisonment aid: an INSS benefit for dependents of those who are in prison

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You are guaranteed the right to a range of benefits tailored to specific circumstances, such as maternity leave or paternity, those who are insured by the INSS (National Institute of Social Security). In addition, there is another occasion when an employee may be entitled to INSS benefits, which is when he is in prison.

It's about the call reclusion aid, the subject of many disputes in Brazil, directed at dependents of the detained worker. Check out more information below!

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Read more: Who is entitled to reclusion aid and how can I apply?

What is prison aid?

Knowing the difference between “reclusion” and “detention”, it becomes possible to explain what the benefit of reclusion aid offers to the individual. This INSS benefit is paid to the families of workers imprisoned in a closed regime.

However, to receive this amount every month, you must be an active insured person with the INSS and follow some prerequisites. In addition, it is also important to emphasize that only dependents who are part of the family are entitled to this subsidy, namely: siblings, children, parents and wife/husband.

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Prison allowance amount

If the insured person was arrested after November 13, 2019, the amount of the benefit for dependents is one minimum wage (in 2022, in the amount of 1,212.00 reais). If the prisoner has several dependents, the benefit amount will be distributed equally to all dependents he/she has.

If you do not have children or a spouse, the amount of the payment may be distributed to the prisoner's parents or siblings, it is sufficient to prove the financial dependence of the insured person.

How can I apply for assistance?

Help can be requested via the Meu INSS website or app (available for Android and iOS systems) or by calling 135.

On the Meu INSS app or website:

  • First, access My INSS and press “New Order”;
  • Then enter the name of the service/benefit you want;
  • When the list appears, select the name of the service/benefit and click;
  • Finally, read the message that appears on the screen and follow the necessary instructions.

In addition, you need to have some personal documents on hand, see below:

  • Identity and CPF of the arrested insured person and the requesting dependent;
  • Declaration issued by the prison authority informing the date of arrest and the regime that the detainee complies with;
  • Document proving the dependency of the applicant;
  • Proof of contribution time of the insured person in prison (for example: work card).

Generally, there is a period of 90 days for the family after being held in prison to seek assistance. Thus, payment retroacts from the date of arrest, within that period.

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