The oil reserves discovered in the pre-salt layer, located in an area 200 kilometers wide and 800 kilometers in length, from Espírito Santo to Santa Catarina, are 7,000 meters below the level of the sea. The exploration of this oil could triple the national production, however, there are many doubts about how and what the consequences of this process will be.
The existence and good quality of this oil has already been confirmed by Petrobras, which has already drilled approximately 30 wells (with easier access). However, it is not known, for sure, the volume of the product in the depths of the sea. Another factor to be overcome refers to how to overcome a water depth of more than 2 kilometers, a layer of more than 1 kilometer of sediments and another over 2 kilometers of salt so that the oil can be safely removed without environmental accidents.
Spending on investments in technology is extremely high and must show effective results. In this sense, the Technological Program for the Development of Production from Pre-salt Reservoirs (Prosal) was created, which carries out research with the support of universities. The conditions found for oil exploration in the pre-salt layer present situations such as pressure from water column, acidity and low temperatures, which can damage components, impairing and making the extraction.
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Another complicating factor is the distance between the coast and the pre-salt layer drilling wells (300 kilometers), therefore, needing alternatives that carry out the fast and efficient transport of people, materials and equipment.
But one of the biggest challenges is the environmental one. Pre-salt deposits contain a high concentration of carbon dioxide, far higher than reserves in shallower waters. Therefore, its improper exploitation can contribute to global warming, as carbon dioxide is one of the main villains in this process.
Petrobras guarantees that the exploration of the pre-salt layer is extremely viable. It is estimated that around 600 billion dollars will be spent on investments and development of technology for the safe extraction of the product and that the financial returns should occur to from 2020. If Petrobras' expectations are confirmed, Brazil will be the eighth largest oil producer on the planet, increasing its reserves by 50 billion barrels.
By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team
See more:
Pre-salt - Black gold found in the depths of the sea.
Pre-salt - Royalties - The division of royalties related to “black gold”.
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FRANCISCO, Wagner de Cerqueira e. "Pre-Salt – Challenges"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.