Vegan Cooking Course: Free and online classes!

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Have you ever thought about trying vegan cuisine? The non-consumption of any food of animal origin allows to explore even more the variety of other important food groups such as whole grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits and oilseeds.

Learn to combine these ingredients and prepare the most diverse vegan recipes, which can be nutritious, healthy, fresh and super delicious. The question is knowing how to use the ingredients in the best way and the Vegan Cooking Course do Escola Educação was prepared to help you with that.

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Through online classes and free access, you will learn practical recipes for starters, main dishes, desserts, dairy products, sauces and vegan snacks. The effects of veganism on health and the concept of what a vegan lifestyle is are also topics covered in the course.

  • Check out all the topics below:
  • What is veganism
  • Difference between vegetarianism and veganism
  • instagram story viewer
  • Health effects of veganism
  • Food groups in the vegan diet
  • Nutritional value of legumes
  • How to put together a vegan diet
  • Main ingredients of vegan cuisine
  • vegan starters
  • vegan main dishes
  • vegan desserts
  • Vegan dairy and sauces
  • vegan snacks
  • References

Enrollment is open to everyone, for you who are already vegan and looking to learn more and for those who want to try the type of cuisine and want to learn new dishes. If you are interested, access the course module on the Escola Educação website.

It is worth noting that you can classes for free, but at the end of the course ask for a certificate of completion (30 hours), and pay only BRL 49.90 for the digital document and BRL 54.90* for the printed + digital document. Good classes!

*Due to operational and logistical costs, prices are subject to change without prior notice.

See too: Vegetarian Cooking Course: Free and online classes with certificate!

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