Come lo sai di som diversi di testi di testi come: il narrative, il descrittivo, l'argomentativo, l'informativo and il regolativo. Ma prima di conoscer ognuno di loro devi prima capire la loro importanza in mode generale. Osserve! / As you know, there are different types of texts: narrative, descriptive, argumentative, informative and regulatory. But before knowing each one of them you must first understand its importance in a general way.
Interesting sapere che ogni model, the type of text possible with a certain function with a l’oggettivo di trasmettere un’informazione speciale. It is interesting to know that the test question is a type of communication that is frequent in society and normalizes in its internal structure. / It is interesting to know that each model or type of text has a certain function in order to convey special information. It is also interesting to know that each of these texts is a type of communication that appears frequently in society, and that has been normalized in its internal structure.
Very diverse is the classification of the grammatici Dardano and Trifone danno alla “Italian Grammatica con nozioni di linguistica”, separate i testi in due group: il pragmatico and il letterario. The cousin, with the funzione di raccontare, inform, describe, convince, if proposing di avere scopi pratici. The second, diverse from the testi of the practical characteristics, make a single use of the language perché there is an intensity of avere an insieme of rapport with the rest of the letterary universe. / Very different is the classification that the grammarians Dardanus and Triphone give in the “Italian Grammatica con nozioni di linguistica”, separating the texts into two groups: the pragmatic and the literary. The first, with the function of telling, informing, describing and convincing, proposes to have practical objectives. The second, different from texts with practical characteristics, makes particular use of language, because it intends to have a set of relationships with the rest of the literary universe.
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All the table is under the sleep state messe of the character of the main type of test and in another moment I read the description of the method. / In the table below, some characteristics of the main types of texts have been placed and in another moment you will observe them in detail.

Puntata! / Tip! It is possible to access the site altri testi sull'argomento come: "Testual Linguistics”, “element of the test”, “I principle esseziali di a buon testo”, “Regolative principle of a text”. / It is possible to access other texts on the subject on the website, such as: “Linguistica testuale”, “Elemento di un testo”, “I princípi esseziali di un buon testo”, “Principi regolativo di un testo”. |
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Tipi di testi"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.