Discover 18 mouth-watering typical French foods

Yes, you did not read it wrong. The ratatouille is, in addition to a character from a Disney movie, a very typical dish in France. It is a very old recipe and can be served as a side dish or main course, both hot and cold.

Rustic, the delicacy consists of a mixture of vegetables cooked in tomato sauce, herbs and lots of olive oil.

The word quiche comes from German (Kuchen) and means pie. During a battle against the Germans in the Lorraine region, the French defeated the enemies and reconquered the lost territory.

In honor of the victory, the German quiche recipe was named Quiche Lorraine. For those who want to try this delight, know that its main ingredients are bacon and cheese, cream and nutmeg.

If you name a more classic Parisian dish than steak au poivre, I would say that would be impossible. A staple in virtually all bistros and restaurants in France, especially in Paris, the dish fits like a glove for avid meat fans.

However, its recipe is quite simple: it's basically a piece of meat, roasted or fried potatoes and a pepper-based sauce (

poivre). That last one is what makes the steak au poivre worthy of its success.

Monsieur and Madame. Mr. and Mrs. This typical French snack is very similar to the Brazilian “bauru”.

In it, you put a lot of cheese of the type gruyere between two slices of bread or brioche. On top, butter and bechamel sauce (white). In the madame version, ham is added and finished with a delicious soft egg on top.

Originating in Paris in the 19th century, the dish is worth an entire meal.

If you consider our feijoada old, review your concepts when it comes to this dish. According to historical data, the food was created to please the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, in honor of his conquest of the Gaul region.

The original recipe used rooster meat (coq) at an advanced age with a wine-based sauce (vin).

Talk about typical french food without mentioning the steak Tartare it becomes a crime. The French classic is a dish prepared with raw and finely chopped meat, turning into a paste.

Spices, lemon, raw egg yolk, as well as mustard and pepper are added to the recipe. It may seem strange at first fork, but it becomes an explosion of flavors when you understand the proposal of the dish.

Extremely popular and well-known in France, the dish originates from the Burgundy region, east of the country.

Like the vast majority of French classics, the recipe for bouef bourguignon you need a portion of affordable meat, mushrooms, onions, carrots, salt, pepper and wine to serve as a sauce base.

Just put everything in a pan, let it reduce and that's it!

Incredibly famous in France, this classic was declared an Intangible Heritage by Unesco. Historically speaking, the dish was King Louis XVI's favorite starter, being served at almost every banquet.

The creator of the recipe, François Pierre La Varenne, is the author of four other books related to French cuisine, all of which are very influential in the field of gastronomy.

In many places, after preparing the soup, a puff pastry is placed over the ramekin (ceramic pot where the dish is served). Finally, just take it to the oven until the dough stews and cooks the soup even more. Unequaled!

The history of cassoulet goes back to the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453). During the battles, the population of the time found in the mixture of all the foods they had available such as pork, beans, bacon, sausage, the solution to nourish and feed the soldiers of war.

The ingredients were placed in a pan (cassoulet), seasoned and cooked in a kind of stew. Nowadays, the recipe is very similar to the Brazilian feijoada, being prepared with white beans, different types of meat and seasonings.

From eating praying, the cheese soufflé is extremely tasty. Despite the simple ingredients, egg whites, cheese, flour, butter and salt, the recipe's secret lies in mixing and aerating the ingredients.

When incorporated, the egg white should bring lightness and support to the dough so that it melts in the mouth.

Despite the difficult name, the bouillabaisse consists of a fish soup. Originating in the city of Marseille, a region located on the Mediterranean coast, the recipe arose from the habit of fishermen to throw fish that they could not sell or that were damaged in boiling water.

Vegetables and greens were added to give more consistency and flavor to the dish.

This recipe is loved, known and widely consumed by people all over the world, including being very popular among Brazilians. Dessert consists of a rare chocolate cake, the inside of which has a creamy consistency.

It is usually served with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream.

In free translation, creme brulee means "burnt cream". Its recipe consists of preparing a cream based on eggs, milk, vanilla bean and covered with a delicious burnt sugar coating. In Brazil, another ingredient was incorporated into the classic French recipe: condensed milk.

It is a type of puff pastry stuffed with butter and a wide variety of fillings. It was initially prepared with ordinary bread dough, but was modified and improved by Parisian bakers in the early 20th century.

The delicious (and expensive) macarons are the famous cookies filled with almond flour. Despite being considered a French classic, the sweet was introduced to the country by the Italian queen Catarina di Medici.

It gained popularity when Carmelite nuns from Nancy discovered the recipe and began to reproduce it in large quantities.

Initially, the dessert consisted only of biscuits, with Pierre Desfontaines, in the 20th century, being responsible for adding filling to these jewels of gastronomy.

The story about the appearance of the dish is somewhat unusual. The recipe is believed to have been created by Henri Carpentier, a 14-year-old boy who made a mistake preparing sweet pancakes for the Prince of Wales, Edward VII, in 1895.

Nowadays, it is served with a hazelnut cream filling and orange syrup as a topping.

Eternalized in Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time, the buttery shell-shaped cookie is addictive right after the first bite.

Present in virtually all French pastry shops, especially those in Paris, the recipe is simple: unsalted butter, eggs, wheat flour, sugar, honey and lemon zest.

The differential is in the delicate shell shape that gives the recipe a charm.

The dessert is a creation inspired by the famous bicycle race between Paris and Brest: Paris x Brest x Paris. The recipe is based on the classic pasta choux (pâte à choux) French stuffed with cream patissier and sprinkled with almond shavings.

A curiosity about the candy is that its format refers (purposely) to a bicycle wheel. Sizes vary, ranging from 30 to 50 centimeters.

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