How Much Does a Justice of the Peace Earn?

O Squire and the professional competent to carry out marriage ceremonies, to pacify conflicts between neighbors and to guide people in respecting the forms of their own rights.

In addition, the justice of the peace also forwards proposals for improving services to the Justice of the Peace, as well as other conciliatory functions.

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However, despite bearing the name of a judge, he has neither training nor the capacity to make decisions of a jurisdictional nature. Therefore, they cannot issue arrest warrants or hold trials of any kind.

To become a Justice of the Peace it is not necessary to have specific training. Thus, it is up to each state to determine the education requirements for the position.

In addition, the form of entry is also different in each state of the nation. In some, such as the Federal District, they are appointed by the Corregidor and appointed by the President of the Court of Justice.

On the other hand, in the state of Minas Gerais there are elections to become a justice of the peace. Thus, party affiliation is required for office. In other states such as São Paulo, it is necessary to carry out a public tender for the function.

However, in general, to apply for the position it is necessary to have Brazilian nationality and be 18 years of age or older.


The salary of justices of the peace is also relative, as they vary according to the state. In some states, the function's remuneration corresponds to 50% of the salary of first-degree judges.

However, in other states, the salary follows the table for the position of Administrative Manager 3, which is R$ 2,295.69. In some places professionals charge according to the number of ceremonies they perform.

It is important to note that professionals can have any other profession. However, they must be available on the days and times determined by the local registry office for weddings.

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