Learn how to make your car smell new through homemade tips

Using the car every day and smelling bad as time goes by is normal. This happens because he is exposed to everyday dirt and also to environmental pollution.

Upholstery gradually absorbs these impurities and releases unpleasant odors. Therefore, we separate some tips and a cheap homemade recipe for you to solve this problem. So, if you want to know how to make your car smell good, keep reading!

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take care of the interior

To have a car that is always clean and smelling good, you must first pay attention to the daily details:

  • Avoid accumulating a lot of trash and papers, especially food packaging;
  • If you walk through places with a lot of dust, it is recommended to vacuum it regularly, this will keep the environment clean and prolong the useful life of the internal equipment;
  • If you are a smoker, avoid smoking in the car, as the smell permeates the fabrics and keeps the place smelly.

Regarding this last topic, if your car already smells like cigarettes, we advise you to take it to a repair shop. automotive aesthetics to perform an Oxy-sanitation cleaning, as it will neutralize all uncomfortable smells of the cigarette.

Another very important tip is to wash the rugs frequently, because with use they accumulate a lot of dirt. from the shoes and after the rainy days they get damp, so this mixture gives off a smell of foot odor unpleasant.

Make your own scent

After following the steps described above, it will be easier to keep your car clean, without bad odors and ready to be scented with this recipe for a homemade scent:


Preparing this flavoring is very simple, as it uses ingredients that you usually have at home:

  • Essential oil;
  • Alcohol 96%;
  • A piece of fabric.

The choice of oil may be the one that pleases you the most as there are several types on the market, but the favorites for this function are orange and lavender.

How to make

Start by mixing 300 ml of alcohol with just 10 drops of your chosen essential oil. After diluting these ingredients well, take the fabric and leave it submerged in the mixture for a few minutes so that it absorbs as much of the liquid as possible.

So remove the excess and leave the cloth just damp, now it's ready and just hold it somewhere in the car, like behind the central mirror. Also, as the smell disappears, you can repeat the recipe.

If you liked these tips on how to make your car smell, then Click here to read more articles like this one!

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