Why do cats stare at us so much?

Cats are known to be animals with a deep gaze, extreme curiosity and sometimes even seriousness. However, it still surprises us when kittens take the time to stare deeply at us, as if they were thinking something about us.

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The behavior certainly generates curiosity in caregivers and has also become the subject of some studies on animal behavior.

If you are one of those curious people who are disconcerted by the cats' penetrating gaze, see why do cats stare at us so much.

feeling of threat

One of the ways to look at this cat behavior is from the perspective of imminent threat: sometimes your cat considers you threatening.

That's because cats tend to, in fact, face objects and beings they consider threatening, even if there's no apparent reason to consider them that way.

So, a tip is to look away so that your kitten can feel safer and calmer, without feeling tense with your approach.

surprised look

Another way to understand this fixed look is under the possibility that your cat is surprised by your presence.

For example, if you entered the room suddenly, or appeared in front of him without him noticing, he may be surprised or interested.

In addition, we must consider that cats are very attached to routines and calm, so that any new fact or sudden movement can scare them.

In that case, avoid surprising your cat, as some surprises can be extremely unpleasant.

needing attention

Certainly cats will try to make some contact with their caregivers when they are in need of attention.

So it could be that he's staring at you simply to communicate with you, to demonstrate that he needs something from you.

So, when you notice your cat's long look, check the food or water pots, see if he wants a snack or look for other symptoms that indicate some pain.

And don't ignore your kitty's call, because he needs you.

After this article, we are sure that you will be able to better identify your cat's behavior, so share this content with that friend of yours who is also a pet parent!

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