Learn how to take out the FGTS loan

Often, the loan becomes the only means to fall back on when things get very difficult financially. Now, however, it is possible to obtain credit by anticipating the FGTS birthday withdrawal. In other words, the loan is granted with a guarantee from the Guarantee Fund.

The process begins with the worker joining the FGTS birthday withdrawal, which makes it possible to withdraw part of the balance in the month of his birthday. But, if it is urgent, the individual can anticipate up to three installments, which will contain a monthly interest requirement for the loan. The minimum amount is around R$ 500.

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Loan rules

  • Be over 18 years of age or emancipated;
  • Possess a savings or current account at Caixa. However, Savings Social Digital and Savings Caixa Fácil are not the norm;
  • Having adhered to the FGTS Anniversary Withdrawal and allowing the consultation of its information;
  • Have a balance in the Guarantee Fund for anticipation;
  • Regular CPF;
  • Do not have a debt with Caixa or credit resources.

Where to hire?

The loan can be taken out at Caixa branches, Caixa application or website and Caixa Tem application.

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