Federal Revenue public tender was authorized with 699 vacancies

According to the Ordinance published today (13) in the Official Gazette of the Union, the Special Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil is authorized to carry out public tenderwith 699 vacancies. Of the total vacancies, 469 will be for the position of tax analyst and 230 for the position of financial auditor.

Also according to the ordinance, the period for publication of the notice for the opening of the public tender will be six months, starting today. Therefore, if you want more information about the public tender for the Federal Revenue Service, just continue reading this article.

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Ordinance authorizes public tender for the Federal Revenue Service

The Federal Revenue of Brazil was authorized to hold a public tender to fill 699 vacancies. According to Ordinance 5.348 of the Special Secretariat for Debureaucratization, Management and Digital Government, which was published in the Official Gazette of the Union, the

opportunities are open to anyone with a university degree in any field of study.

According to the authorization, 469 vacancies will be made available for tax analysts and 230 vacancies for tax auditors. The salaries offered at the beginning of the career were not disclosed in the ordinance, although they should be between R$ 11,684 for an analyst and R$ 21,029 for an auditor.

The organization's employees also receive food aid (R$ 458), health aid (R$ 210) and pre-school aid. O selection process has been one of the most anticipated in recent years.

Learn more about the notice

The period for publication of the notice opening the public tender is six months, starting from the day of publication of the Ordinance. In addition, the time between the publication of the selection regulation and the application of the first test can be reduced to two months.

The Special Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil will be responsible for conducting the contest and for publishing the relevant regulations through the publication of notices, ordinances and other administrative tasks, according to information disclosed.

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