Use of ChatGPT in the first phase of the OAB!

As technology advances, several areas of work have added artificial intelligence (AI) to everyday life. Recently, it was published that the ChatGPT was approved in the first phase of the OAB, that is, the Order of Lawyers of Brazil. A technology which is capable of writing texts in seconds, proved to be one step closer to Brazilian courts and forums. See below for more details on this subject.

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First, we need to understand what exactly this technology is about. ChatGPT is a computer program that tries to simulate a human being in conversation with people.

The objective is to answer questions in such a way that people have the impression that they are talking to another person and not to a computer program.

Photo: Shutterstock.

After all, how was the technology approved for this area?

According to reliable sources, it was through an experiment by Daniel Marques, philosopher, lawyer and president of the Brazilian Association of Lawtechs and Legaltechs (AB2L), that everything started.

When the chatbot was put to the test, the system was able to score 48 points out of a possible 80 in the first phase test for the OAB in 2022. According to rules, it is necessary to score at least 40 points for approval.

Other studies have been carried out

The study carried out by Professor Christian Terwiesch concluded that artificial intelligence would be approved with a B grade in the OAB exam. There in the United States, for example, the criteria for the ordeal are by letters, with A being equivalent to 10.

What did teachers conclude from this experience?

Well, for many professionals who participate in the preparation of tests, it is concluded that the exam is a failure, because a robot is capable of obtaining approval the first time. They added, saying that it's not just that the technology is good, but that the test model is too weak.

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