'Spy whale'? Norwegian authorities urge animal protection

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The Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries has issued an advisory that it is advisable for people to avoid any contact with a famous beluga whale known as the Hvaldimir, or “spy whale“, as it is also known.

Photo: Jorgen Ree Wiig/Norwegian Fisheries Directorate/Maritime Surveillance Service

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The aim of the authorities is to prevent the population from causing harm to the animal or even accidentally putting its life at risk.

In 2019, Hvaldimir attracted international attention when she was spotted wearing a special collar fitted with camera mounts, leading experts to suspect that the whale may have been trained by Russian military.

This fact further increased his popularity and notoriety.

Hvaldimir is almost a pet

Since 2019, the famous beluga whale has been seen traveling along the Norwegian coast, making a few stops along the way, according to the country's Directorate of Fisheries.

According to the same source, the whale usually frequents fish farming areas, where it manages to feed on surplus feed, ensuring the best form of food.

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In a statement released May 24, Director of Fisheries Frank Bakke-Jensen noted that, to date, there have been only minor incidents in which Hvaldimir suffered minor injuries, usually due to contact with boats.

He emphasized the importance of people keeping a safe distance from the whale, even though it is docile and used to being around humans. This precaution is necessary to ensure the protection of the whale and to prevent possible injuries in the future.

According to the Directorate of Fisheries, Hvaldimir, which is a protected species in Norway, currently resides inland in the Oslofjord. The whale gained notoriety for its tendency to follow boats and interact with people on board.

However, the Board stressed that this situation presents concerns as Hvaldimir is now in a densely populated area. The risk of the whale suffering injury due to human contact has increased significantly.

It is therefore crucial that people avoid any direct interaction with the whale in order to ensure its safety and well-being.

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