Triglycerides: how to keep your body free of this harmful fat?

Have you ever heard of triglycerides? This substance is a type of fat that is very harmful to our body that contaminates the blood and can create blockages in our arteries. Thus, the accumulation of triglycerides is a health risk and can lead the patient to death through a heart attack. So, here are some tips on how to avoid triglycerides through feeding.

Read more: Learn how to clean your arteries and blood vessels naturally and avoid high cholesterol.

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How to avoid triglycerides?

  • avoid the carbs

Foods rich in white flour offer several risks to our health, such as increased glucose and also triglycerides. Therefore, those who want to avoid such problems need to balance their diet so that there is no excess mass. After all, breads, pasta and cakes have high levels of triglycerides that will not be able to go through a complete digestion in the organism. One tip is to replace white pasta with wholemeal pasta, which will provide more fiber and consequently help eliminate excess fat.

  • beware of alcohol

Alcoholic beverages manage to increase those moments of fun with friends, but they also stimulate the production of triglycerides. And this is independent of the type of alcoholic beverage consumed, as even non-fermented beverages are capable of boosting this production. Therefore, it is recommended that the patient rethink the consumption of these drinks and start drinking in moderation. In addition, there is a chance that the recreational use of drinks will need to be completely removed from the patient's diet in more severe cases.

  • Red meat raises triglycerides

Finally, it will also be necessary to avoid an excess of red meat in everyday life, as red animal proteins have a high fat content. In this way, the healthiest thing is to consume red meat only once or twice a week. On other days, the patient should prioritize skinless and fat-free white meat. For example, proteins such as salmon, tuna and fish in general make it possible to balance blood fat levels. On the other hand, beef means greater danger.

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