Free courses: Amazon offers vacancies for technology course

Information Technology is a good area to invest in and work in, as its market is growing more and more in Brazil and worldwide. So, if you are looking for a new career to join or just keep up to date in the area, this is a good opportunity. In this article, you will learn more about the Amazon project that offers new free courses in the IT area. Keep reading!

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How it works?

The multinational Amazon is offering free IT courses across the country through the AWS Skill Builder digital platform. This initiative should train professionals in one of the fastest growing areas in the world and, consequently, the one that will hire the most in the coming years.

According to Brasscom research, our country currently has an average of 53,000 people trained in technology. However, this number still cannot meet market demand, which revolves around 797,000 people trained by 2025. With that in mind, Amazon is offering free IT courses to guarantee these trainings.

Free AWS IT Courses

Course formations are short, and it is possible to find only courses lasting 1 hour, which are done online. However, it is necessary to have a basic level of English to do them. The AWS Skill Builder digital platform offers more than 500 free courses in the areas of Data Analysis, Security, Internet of Things and Serverless Computing.

According to the company, the platform guides students to find the most relevant content for their skill level and career plan. Thus, interested parties can access the website and check out all available opportunities.

Finally, Amazon also has the AWS re/Start program, which offers training and skills development courses. free practices, such as interviewing and resume writing, to prepare professionals for entry-level careers in Cloud. Finally, if you want to participate, go to the program's website and check out more details.

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