Learn how to settle your debts and increase your Serasa score

Living in Brazil right now is really complicated, after all, the salary doesn't cover even part of the debts, and at the time of financial tightening, it is always good to have a credit to get a little help. Whether at SPC or Serasa, having a good score on the score will help you a lot in many situations. Therefore, learn how to pay off your debt and increase your Serasa score. Read the full article and check it out!

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What to do to increase the Serasa score?

The score is the score that measures your degree of reliability for paying bills. That is, in this way, it reveals how reliable you are when paying off your debts. This can be revealed through various actions, such as paying bills on time, not delaying invoices and using credit a lot.

  • Negotiate

It's important to prevent your score from dropping as much as possible, so that it doesn't impede your future trades. A good alternative when you know that you will not be able to pay off the entire installment is to negotiate with the creditor. In this way, propose a friendly installment, so that you can keep the bills up to date, and that way neither of you will be at a loss.

  • Give preference to smaller debts

Organization is key to keeping accounts up to date. However, sometimes there comes a time when the account of the salary paid with the debts does not close. At that time, prioritize smaller debts, always trying to pay them off quickly, and reducing the amount of existing debts.

  • Leave the credit card aside

Credit cards can be easy “money eaters” as they tend to have very high interest rates. So put your credit card aside, and start saving money to pay off more debt soon.

To further increase the score

Always update your data on credit protection platforms (SPC, Serasa, Boa Vista). Keeping your information up to date helps increase your score. In addition, create a Positive Register, which serves as a form of argument in favor of the consumer. Whenever he contracts debts, the collector provides data to credit protection agencies. However, maintaining the Positive Register, whenever the bills are paid on time, the data can also increase your score level.

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