Waste of food: Main consequences and how to avoid it

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Currently, research indicates that the number of food wasted per year is something alarming in Brazil. According to the UN, about 27 million tons of food are wasted per year, with 60% of that number wasted by families. For this reason, we bring here essential tips to minimize the waste of food.

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On average, each Brazilian wastes 41.6 kg of food per year, which is a very high number. has been alarming, especially in our country, where many people still suffer from hunger.

It is believed that waste can happen due to many factors, including inadequate storage, lack of planning meals, making more food than necessary on a daily basis, and, due to the high amount of time they spend being transported.

Main consequences of food waste

Research shows that Brazil is among the ten countries that most waste food in the world. The main impacts caused by food waste are:

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  • Intensive land use and pollution;
  • Increased deforestation;
  • High use of water resources
  • Exacerbation of biodiversity loss;
  • Increased demand for transport;
  • Greenhouse gas emissions;
  • High consumption of energy and fossil fuels, among other harmful effects that contribute to the waste that undermines sustainable development in Brazil.

How to avoid waste

There are several ways to avoid the waste that the country currently finds and that end up being essential practices, they are:

  • Store leftover food properly;
  • Plan the menu;
  • Opt for locally produced food to reduce the time that food is being transported;
  • Enjoy the leftovers;
  • Make the most of the food;
  • Pay attention to the validity of food;
  • Decrease the volume of purchases when going to the market and increase the frequency;
  • Serve the smaller portions suitable for the number of people.

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