President appeals for enrollment in the Enem until Friday (16)

This week, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva reinforced the call for students and young people to enroll in the 2023 National High School Examination (Enem). Registration for this year's competition ends on Friday (16).

See too: Consultation released! Check the result of the exemption request for Enem 2023

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Applications are open for anyone who wants to work on the application of…

In a conversation broadcast over the internet, Lula reinforced that it is necessary to resume the valuation of the Enem. “It is important that all people who are old enough to enroll in the Enem enroll by the 16th,” said the representative.

“We need to recover the strength of the Enem. It is important for everyone who wants to go to university to apply for the opportunity to become a doctor or doctor”, continued Lula.

The chat is part of the "Conversation with the President" program, transmitted by social media weekly on Tuesdays, 8:30 am.

Enem 2023; Registration until Friday (16)

Lula recently said that “education is the fundamental basis for the growth of the human person and for the growth of a country”. The speech was made as a way to encourage participation for Enem 2023.

At the time he made this comment, the president was participating in the inauguration of a campus of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco (IFPE).

To participate in the 2023 edition of Enem, candidates must register through the Inep website. The fee is BRL 85 and must be paid by June 21st. The tests are scheduled for the 5th and 12th of November.

What is the exam score used for?

The Enem note has several purposes and can be used for different purposes. One of the main ones is the selection to enter higher education institutions, whether public or private.

Many universities and colleges use the grade as part of the selection process, either as the sole criterion or in combination with other factors.

It is the basis for entering federal government programs, such as the Unified Selection System (Sisu), which allows access to vacancies in public universities, and the University for All Program (ProUni), which offers scholarships at private institutions.

Other than that, the Enem score is a requirement to participate in the Student Financing Fund (FIES). This is a government program that provides funding for tuition at private higher education institutions.

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