5 Grammatical Errors That Can Damage Your Reputation: Get Away From Them!

Correct errors, grammar, cohesion and coherence and make the necessary changes so that the text is good and fluid: “The construction of our image is based on our actions. Being eloquent and correct when speaking Portuguese are characteristics that are part of this process.

Credibility is hard to earn and takes time to establish. However, the image we create can easily be ruined.

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Discover the 7 most commonly misused words

These are the 7 most frequent and easy to correct Portuguese mistakes

That is, the way we communicate, whether in speech or writing, can affect our image positively or negatively.

But do not worry! There is always time to learn! Check below some of the most common mistakes in the Portuguese language and improve your communication to further strengthen your image.

Remember: every word counts!

Kilo or Kilo, which is the correct form?

Have you ever wondered what is the correct way to write: 1 kilo or 1 kilo? Many people end up making mistakes at this time, but the truth is that kilos should be written down.

This is because “kilo” is not a unit of weight, but an abbreviation for the kilogram, which is represented by “Kg”.

So the next time you go shopping for carrots at the market, remember: it's not a kilo of carrots you're buying, it's a kilo.

Go on a date or go on a date, understand the feeling!

Did you know that a simple preposition change can completely change the meaning of a sentence?

Instead of using “going to meet”, opt for “going to meet” to indicate similarity and agreement.

For example, when expressing support for an idea, we might say, "We hope this idea works out for you."

Always remember the importance of choosing the right words to clearly convey the desired message. Apply this valuable tip to your next persuasive essays.

Use: pantry or pantry?

Learn now and make no more mistakes! Know the difference between "dispensation" and "pantry". “Discharge” refers to the end of an obligation or task, when someone is released from something.

“Pantry” has a different meaning, as it refers to the space in your home for storing cleaning products and utensils.

Keep the meaning of these words clear in your vocabulary to avoid future confusion.

Should we use: had or were?

Did you know that the proper use of the verb in the subjunctive mood can make all the difference in the clarity of the message?

That said, it is common to confuse the conjugations of the verbs “ter” and “estar”. Therefore, it is important to remember that “have” should be used when referring to the verb “ter”, while “estivesse” is used for the verb “estar”.

For example: If you had time, you could help us. Or, if you were home now, you could study with us.

Correct form of accents: “às” or “ás”?

Did you know that the proper use of the acute or severe accent in “ace” and “às” can make all the difference in your writing?

The “ace” with an acute accent should only be used in the context of games, as in the famous “ace of spades”, or to refer to someone very skilled in a certain activity.

On the other hand, the grave accent in "à" is correct to indicate hours, space or time. Stay tuned! Using accents correctly demonstrates mastery of the Portuguese language and can make you stand out in writing.

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